
What do you ride and why do you like it?

by Guest44660  |  earlier

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Tell me if you ride western or english and tell me why you like it. 10 points for most describing!




  1. english -

    i jump and thats the only reason i love english! I don't do dressage but I would love to try it. I like english because jumping is so much fun, and it just feels good to 'f\ly' over a jump and land safely on the other side... haha sounds simple but it's a very addicting  thrill

    I like english also because the saddle is smaller and the stirrups are so so small and don't support the leg at all! It gives more movement and freedom.. compared to a western fender which seems to restrict leg contact I like feeling the horse and having better contact

    one thing about english i don't like are the bridles.. i like western bridles because there are only cheek pieces and no nosebands..which can restrict the horses breathing and lots of english headstalls have really low nose flashes or bands which can affect the horse breathing through it's nostrols!

    now for riding attire..

    I love breeches haha I love shopping for them and I just like wearing them..I ride them even when i'm western riding I hate riding in jeans unless i have too

    i also love boots.. normally i always wear boot with every thing with my skinny jeans, andmy dresses boots with heels and flat boots so I like being classy and wearinf crisp clean riding breecehs with with my boots =)


    I love love love everything about western

    i love the events and i love the big stout western roping horses and i love wathing reining and western events, poles, barrels, western pleasure shows.. i love all the glam and jazz of it!

    the only thing i don't like are rodeos with bronc bucking or whatever it's called.. i think that might be the proper term?

    anyways when i trail ride a usually take my western saddle.. its like a couch.. and an english saddle like a stool..

    i love cow girl boots, but i find it's more comfortable to ride in western  in my paddock boots! =) i love cow boy hats, and the whole dress not to mention the cowboys *heh heh*

    I started out taking western lessons, but then i switched over to english jumping lessons!

    my seat, and leg got realy strong after my english lessons and when i went back to my western trainer i could ride and bucking horse or and type of horse she put me on

    so english riding is more of a close contact and HIGH contact sport.. while western you don't have to use do much energy to make your horse do something as simple as a turn

    so all in all i like both very much and don't care what pleasure i'm riding in.. if i'm jumping it's english..everything else is western!

  2. i ride western but im also traned in english. i ride western because i just like the fell of western more lade back not as stricked and come on who hasnted wanted to be a cow girl? i love barrel and poll bending and i also just like to ride western horses have better siting trots then english horses and there lopes can be just hevanly. so i geuss i just like western lol. english is cool dressage is a gorgues sport but i love my western but the funny thing is my horse is western/english for my dressage sister.

  3. i ride both

    western makes me feel relaxed and at home...and i love it because there are many trails and scenic places to visit and western is perfect for that kind of stuff

    english gives me more of a challenge/workout and makes me want to try harder and harder and I love the way a canter feels in an english saddle...and jumping


  4. i ride english (dressage) i dont like it i LOVE it!!!! i love it so much because its like a whole language between you and your horse. you just give them a tiny command and they obey you and you and the horse are like one because the horse knows exactly what you want and only wants to please you. it is so much fun! you get to experience so much!! my favorite part is cantering because its so free and its like the best feeling ever!

  5. i like both.

    English gives me a more like serius great posture feeling. I like english when i want to be like perfect

    western gives me a  really relaxed feeling. You can sloutch more and it is a litle more free to me.

  6. i ride both English and western but i love

    my Aussie saddle best its so comfortable

    and i feel so safe in it i ride in it about 90 %

    of the time even when i barrel race, i also

    endurance ride and love how comfortabe it

    is you can ride for hours and not feel it.

    also don't have to worry about

    stay put in the saddle. i've even jumped in

    it only small jumps but have done that too

    and not had a problem.i love any kind of

    riding. my pony is my best friend. and lots

    of fun.

    good luck

  7. I ride english, and adore it. Jumping is just the most amazing feeling, and i have ridden some of the most stupendous horses ever in english. In hunters, you just feel so glamourous in the show ring, all polished and cleaned up, and the thrill of winning an under-saddle class and knowing the judge thought your horse was the best is just amazing. Jumpers is so thrilling, its  hard to put in words. Its the closest thing i have ever come to flying, with the exception of indoor skydiving :)

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