
What do you say to Australians who do not like the Australian flag?

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Because I am one. I am a committed Republican and I am not happy that we don't have our own flag. Our flag has another country's flag, the UK. I think it should change.

Many people are getting the Australian flag tattoos. How silly will they look when we do change the flag!

I do not own any Australian flags, or associated paraphernalia, nor do I intend to get any.

So am I a social pariah for my views?




  1. No your not a social parish. Everyone should respect everyone's opinions and it doesnt harm anyone. Many people are quesitoning or believe that we should become a republic and that our ties to the monoachy should be let go. I personally agree wtih that, but also don't dislike the Australian flag as it holds a great deal of history.

  2. You are not a social pariah for your views

    One of the the wonderfull thing about Australia is

    You can freely express your opinion

    Now my point is most of today's aussie's are the ancestors of migrants from all around the world but in the past it was only from englad and

    It's natural for a human being  to keep a bit of memory of their ancestors land

    so they kept it with their flag.

    I would say today if this country is populated by other countries people then you might see a bit of their countries touch in our flag.

    My personal view is I am a migrant

    I came in Australia by seeing this flag

    That little bit of other countries in the flag remind me that I am not the only one who came and settle here in this beautifull land there are others came too and they make little space in the national flag.

    You may love australia on your way


    I love Australia the way it is

  3. go home

  4. Your are not a social pariah because every citizen is entitled to have his or her own views.

  5. I may not agree with everything you have said but you are certainly entitled to your, well written, point of view.

    That's the joy of living in a democracy, we can all have our differing opinions and not feel that we are being forced to agree with anyone else.

    You are certainly not a social pariah for your views.

    You are obviously committed and passionate about this subject.

    Which is truly commendable.

  6. im a fellow republican like yourself, i am a tattooed person while i dont have the flag on me, i have the southern cross, the boxing kangaroo and the coat of arms ( the emu and roo). i am still proud to wave my flag though, only coz its my national flag, but hey, its a free country after all your entitled to your opinion as i am mine, with any luck K Rudd will push for another referendum

  7. I  agree with you, and it's good  to see that all answers so far have been open minded and fair.

  8. Australia's flag is a British Blue Ensign design, with the Union Flag in the canton, and the Southern Cross and Star of Australia.

    Australia used to use all the same flags as the UK did (eg Royal Australian Navy ships would fly the White Ensign, the same as Royal Navy ships and the airforce ensigns were also the same). The military changed their flags in the 1960s when the foreign policies of Australia and the UK began to diverge (eg Australia fought in the Vietnam War and did not want to have its ships mistaken as British ones).

  9. I'm from NZ mate and we have the same thing on our flag. Sooner you become a republic the better because we will be right behind you.

  10. I don't like it either, but I'm happy to be an Australian and not fly the Aussie flag. There's lots like me.

  11. I'm there with you Murph, although being Aboriginal I am more proud to wear the Aboriginal flag that represents my community whole heartedly, rather than some shaky connection to the monachy.

    Personally I find it extremely embarassing when idiots parade around in the flag boasting some americanised pride in it (flags are flown not worn).

    Bring on the Republic, dump the inbred monachy, lets truly be our own country!

  12. The Australian flag is something our Grandparents died to protect ,I am so glad most of them are no longer here to hear this it would break their hearts ,Are you a social pariah ? no our Grandparents also fought for you to have the freedom to express your views so go for it ,that's what makes Australia great.

  13. I completely agree with your view and don't think you're any kind of social pariah for your views. We really need to remove that awful anachronism from the corner and have a flag of our own. Canada made the move and and the world didn't end over there - in fact the country went from strength to strength.

    We will never be taken completely seriously as an independent nation until we have our own flag.

    I'm an avid and committed Republican (as long as we have an elected President with real power), but I'm inclined to think that the flag should be the first move followed (quickly) by the Republic.Our own flag would give us a real rallying point and would be a potent symbol of our independent nationhood.

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