
What do you say to a staring baby with it's mother in a Tesco cafe after you've said hello?

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What do you say to a staring baby with it's mother in a Tesco cafe after you've said hello?




  1. Nothing......The baby is observing you because that's what babies do. If he/she is leaning over the booth drooling down your back or something, then you need to say something, otherwise just ignore him/her.

  2. My what a pretty baby, and you get your good looks from you mommy.

  3. Ask the mother what his/her name is.

  4. Ask the baby a silly question that it couldn't possibly know the answer to.  "Who's going to win the game on Saturday?" or "My car engine dies when driving up a steep hill, any ideas why?"

  5. smile and turn away you dont need to stare back

  6. Oh that makes me crazy! I would never let my kids do that when they were little. I say (where the mom can hear it) "Honey, you need to turn around and eat your food", or if they have finished or don't seem interested in the food, I say " Honey, (see, I'm nice ;) should turn around and talk to your mommy".

    It's worked so far. I just hope I don't have that happen when I'm PMSing! Then I wouldn't have any idea what would come out of my mouth!

    Good Luck!

  7. Ask how old the baby is or just simply say it is adorable.  (You could ask its name, but in today's world most mothers won't volunteer personal information... even first names.)

    Wait until you run into that 4-6 year old who won't stop talking to you even when the mother politely tells the child to be quiet.

  8. walk away.  the baby is being rude.

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