
What do you say to jerks on your volley ball team?

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i have some girls on my volley ball team that are real douches. they think there better than everyone. if you make a miss-take then its the end of the world for them. and if THEY make a miss-take they say its your fault. should i just back off. or say something?




  1. say something! get it off your chest and mind! Theres a girl like that on my team and i either lfick em off or hit them with the ball, and then i laugh (it feels soo good, good thing no one on this site makes me mad :) email me if it gets worse! always happy to help :)

  2. Saying something usually only makes things worse. Just hold your head high, you know it's okay to make some mistakes. It's too bad your teammates aren't helping out though...maybe mention something to your coach about it.

    Never let them bring you down!

  3. Don't say anything, it may be tempting I know, because I have some ppl like that on my volleyball team. Last year they were correcting me very rudely and it bothered me, but I ignored them and practiced over summer and now they mostly leave me alone. The coach won't like seeing a player being cocky to another player, you could say something like people make mistakes, we just need to work harder and be supportive of each other. Good luck and keep playing! :)

  4. from personal experience if u say sommin jerky to them than ur gonna be in a fight for awhile and its gonna make the time playing h**l just ignore it or tell ur coach ur coach should do something about it if they don't then they're all beezeys

  5. Next time they tell you something prissy, say "How dare you insinuate that I can tolerate such a diabolical insolence from a scrap of humanity such as you?  In other words, shut up!"... or, you can just nod your head, and play.  It's only just a game...

  6. Tell your coach.  That always works.  And the next game when they're warming the bench for you, you can look at their faces, and trust me, they'll never talk bad about you again.

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