
What do you say to someone that lost a daughter 3 months ago?

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My husband will be meeting with the vice president of the company. My husband has never spoken to him about it [they aren't close, obviously]. Should he not mention it? What can he say?




  1. hey so where's your daughter is she here... j/k

    no its unprofessional just dont mention it at all tell him to talk about work

  2. No.. dont bring it up at all.  

    For one, this is business and that is his personal life.  Your husband doesnt have a personal relationship with him.    Keep it business.

    If it is brought up, just say " I sympathize with your great loss"..and then let it drop.  

    Or if he feels he must say something..

    As the meeting ends..say " I just wanted you to know that my wife and I sympathize with your loss, and wish you well"

  3. If they don't even know each other, why would he even think of mentioning it ? Thats inappropriate kinda.

  4. "i'm sorry for your loss" is all that is necessary and then they can go on conducting their business.

  5. No.

    Stay professional, keep him(Vice President) company.

    Crack a joke or two, but if the topic would be brought out unintentionally - might as well ride with the sentiments.

  6. My condolances, possibly leave a card behind

  7. I don't think he should mention it straight up but if his boss brings it up for some reason then he should just listen and not try to be a councilor but just be there for his boss if his boss needs an ear to listen

  8. Unless the man seems sad still or brings it up I don't really think it is a good idea to bring it up because he may go to work to keep his mind off of it.

    If he does seem like it is really difficult for him then your husband should just invite him to go out for a beer or something depending on the company and their rules of course

    You should have maybe sent a card when he had this happen to him

    Also, it sort of depends on what happened to her too so I may want to change my opinion if I knew what happened

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