
What do you say to someone who says global warming doesn't exist?

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What do you say to someone who says global warming doesn't exist?




  1. What I usually say is:

    How can these "Bush-backing right wingers" not understand that Global warming is a problem? I am so sick and tired of them trying to deny what is happening to the earth. I understand that most of the media we are being fed is produced by politicians, so I try not to base everything on that propaganda. I go to Green-Peace, or any other number of sites, I read many newpapers, and watch documentaries a lot.

    Have people not seen a change in weather patterns as of late? What about the fact that last year, had the highest amount of hurricanes in years?

    Do people not see that if the world keeps getting worse, we will not have a planet left for our children or grand-children? Or does that not bother anyone?

    Everytime an animal becomes extinct, it changes our entire ecosytem, thus contributing to global warming.

  2. Ask then to show you the data that shows no increase in global temperatures during the past 20,000 years.  I doubt they will be able to since it doesn't exist.

  3. Wake up.

    Then read the plethora of research that backs up global warming.

    I know that there are scientists and their papers that attribute global warming as a natural phenomena, which it is, however none of their proposals can account for the current increases in global temperatures.

    Global warming is occuring too rapidly to be accounted for by Solar output variations or any other natural cycle.

  4. I try to refrain from THOSE comments

  5. tell them that it is because of their ignorance that global warming started in the first place. i hate closed-minded people that just completely block out what people say and don't even give you a chance to say anything. they probably won't listen, but maybe if they do...

  6. Tell them why you think it does and tell them about the facts, if they still dont believe it they are just oblivious.

  7. poor ostrich blinded by the sand and emperialistic brainwashing,incapable of understanding reality.

    who wont even realise when his a*s is on fire

  8. you agree with them because we have had milder winters and cooler summers for the most part. it is also hard to defend the statement of global warming existing when it was what like 35 degrees a couple weeks ago in Texas?

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