
What do you say to the idiots who refuse to admit that there is a world overpopulation problem?

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What do you say to the idiots who refuse to admit that there is a world overpopulation problem?




  1. The problem with the overpopulation is the question which ones are too numerous. When you say that there is an overpopulation problem in the world, you are invited to explain what do you think: Are there too many negroes, latinos, chonese , indians or caucasians. What do you suggest, how to address this problem.

    The concept of overpopulation dates back to the early 19th century when a priest names John or Jonathan or xsomething similar Malthus found out that populations (not onlyl human, but populations in general) tend to multiply by geometricval progression (that is they double after certain period of time each time), while the food production developes in algebraic (linear) progression. The logical consequence must be that one day there will be a shortage of food.

    This in principle is correct, but in praxis the problem is far more complicated. The solution involves multiple ingredients from how the food and the goods in general are produced, how they are distributed, who uses what, and even what is fair and what not.

    Let us see:

    It is true that at the moment we are still capable of producing enough food to feed the world population, but at the cost of extensively using fossil fuels and different poisons (herbicides) in agriculture. That can not go forever and if we only produced food on sustainable levels, most of the woorld population would have been hungry foor a long time already.

    But on the other hand, we are the ones that are using energy at alarmingly high rates not only for survival but for luxury and entertainment and only a small part of this energy, if converted into food production, could feed all the starving of the world.

    Is ist fair to use corn to produce bio-diesel so we can transport our fat asses around, while lots of people are starving?

    What will happen if the oil run out before we find some substitute to fertilize our fields with and how are we going to work our fields without tractors?

    Is it wise to chase natives all around the world from their land where they are self - sustainable to turn this land into plantations that produce products for the market, making more and more people thus dependent on trends of the same market that is highly unstable?

    Yes, there is an overpopulation problem in the worlld. But by saying merely this nothing has been said yet. If you want to tackle the problem, you have to immerse yourself in a number of solutions that are political and even ideological in their nature, so most people don't want to go into them. But without it you may even conclude the way Malthus did, that the wars are good, even inevitable and unavoidable, for they reduce the number of people.

  2. LMAO .... what would you say to idiots who ask loaded questions.

  3. they're silly. (If you want to persuade them to see this point of view, get some info about it and PERSUADE THEM!)

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