
What do you say to yourself to cheer yourself up?

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I need all the help I can get, also is there any long term stratagies you have used that worked for you.




  1. I say to myself, "Today could be your last day, so try to make it your best."

  2. is my happiness. It can be anything. When I am driving in my car with the windows down, the music blaring, and me singing at the top of my lungs...that's when I am the happiest.

  3. Do things that make you happy, upgrade yourself......... That always works in my case.

  4. The answer is to climb out of the pit of self-pity. Its a negative pit full of negative thoughts feelings and emotions that just keep dragging you right down into the mud. All the negative things in that pit are things like, unworthiness, self-pity.hopelessness, isolation, depression, anxiety and despair, unforgiveness, sadness, pride, arrogance, jealousy, envy, anger, bitterness, revengeful thoughts, murderous thoughts, death wishes and suicide not to mention anything else negative that comes to mind. Negative feeds on negative and draws more negative to it.  If you choose to live with negative feelings and emotions, your whole life will move in a negative direction.  You will make negative choices and friends and in the end live a life that ends in destruction. Someone is throwing you a life line to grab hold of to hall you out of the pit.  It is Jesus.  He is saying: "My child come to me with all your problems, hurts and pains, and I will give you rest.  Delight yourself in me and I will give you the desires of your heart. I chose you and I made you and I made you to be exactly the way you look. To me you are the most precious thing. You are priceless and I made you unique, one of a kind.  No one has your thumb-prints! You are exclusive and you are somebody.  I gave you talents and gifts to use and to use as tools through life.  You are even talented. Check what you are good at and do the best you can, and use that to your advantage.  I have a great purpose and plan for your life! seek it and find it! Come with me beside the still waters where I will restore your soul.  If you follow me, goodness and mercy will follow you all the days of your life.  Even if you go through the shadow of the valley of death, you will fear no evil, because I am with you and my rod and staff will comfort you. I will be beside you all the way in the race of life and if you should fall, I will pick you up, dust you off and get you on the road again.  I will give you strength when you think you have no strength.  When you get to the finishing line I will be there waiting for you with my arms open wide, to catch you and say"Well done! You did it.  You ran the race of time. Well done my good and faithful servant!"

    Isn't that an incredible picture and its yours, because God told me to tell you this. You are going to be more cheerful on the positive road than on the negative road. Choose to be positive.  Grab the lifeline of choice and let Jesus haul you out of the depths of despair on to firm ground. There are fields of hope.  The sky is the limit and there are mountains of possibilities and prosperity and fulfillment. Take that life line and invite Jesus into your heart and you will feel cheerful.  I guarantee it!

  5. i listen to shine by Take That, it never lets me down.

  6. Speak out loud (best if you didn't have anyone around you)

    And just say: "Get a F***en grip of myself."

    And then listen to a song which has a good beat, best if its eminem kinda beat. The lyrics are crazy (in a good way :D) but its the beat which makes you really trippin!!  

  7. I kno its kinda weird, I think that I pretty much have everything around me but sometimes I just feel down for no reason. When I do, it just occurs to me that I dont have the right to be depressed cause of how other people got it worse, and plus, I used to be in a really bad situation back then (long story) and I got myself out of it luckily

  8. God loves me. And even though im sad now it isnt meant to be like this forever he will see me thru it. im not sure of what your going thru but you will be in my prayers. Bless you

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