
What do you say when some one says "I'm sorry" to you, when they get in your way?

by  |  earlier

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Or when somone says "excuse me" when you are in their way.




  1. "It's quite all right", with a small smile.

  2. I have to say '' excuse me'' about 5 times... ''excuse me, could you please let me pass by, you are blocking the aisle..''' is the 5th time.. it's normal to say.. I'm sorry... they don't say that... thet might move their shopping trolley 2 inches either way...they should learn etiquette...

  3. I like saying : I am sorry, for I would probably not have recognised that I am on their way.

  4. When someone says Im sorry if they get in my way I say "that's okay."

    If someone wants to get past and they say excuse me I say "oh, sorry" like in the supermarket.

    If someone wants me to move a little so they can reach something and they say excuse me I just say nothing or say "yep" or something.

  5. If someone says "I'm sorry" after getting in your way, say "no problem," or "excuse me."

    If someone says "excuse me" when you are in their way, say "sure" and get out of their way.

  6. Nothing, I just wait or move.

  7. When the person says "I'm sorry" in this case it would be fine to politely say something like "no problem".  When someone excuses himself/herself to get by you all you have to do is to step aside.

  8. no problem

  9. No problem.  Maybe, you are in their way.

  10. depends how they say it but usually I don't say anything!

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