
What do you see as the biggest problem with feminism?

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Or its biggest flaw?




  1. Draft, Affirmative action, quotas for women, sexism against men, unequal punishment for crimes, unequal depictions of violence against women and men, men have no reproductive rights, acts that address only women, rape shield laws, insurance, double standards in the case of rape, uneven social programs, biased health concerns (focus a lot more on women's health, aka breast cancer), child support, and entire government offices specifically for women's affairs.

  2. It has espoused primarly fascist and socialist dogma.

  3. Anti-feminists.  Apart from that, it's all good :-)

  4. That people ask questions like this over and over and over again.  When the truth is they don't know what a feminist is and judge us by the extremist who say they are feminist.

  5. The fact that the world sees feminists as "anti male" or fighting for female domination over men is what I see as feminism's biggest flaw.

    As a feminist, I take these ideals to mean that we have failed in our overall goals and beliefs.  I believe that people should be judged equally and not given certain privileges based on race, gender, religion, etc.    I think that everybody should be viewed as starting out on an equal playing field.  Historically, women were not given equal rights regarding ownership of property, ownership of one's own body, etc.  Those are the things I fight for and believe in.  I don't believe that women are better than men, nor do I believe women deserve more than men.  

    There are a lot of negative stereotypes about feminism, so obviously something is wrong with the overall system.  As an ideal promoting equality for all people (not just women) there shouldn't be so much wrong with it!  I hope that makes sense!  Sometimes I get carried away with my thoughts.  :)

    Good luck finding the answers you are looking for.

  6. There's nothing at all wrong with acceptance of the fact that women are human beings and should not be treated as property.

    Nothing at all.

    I've yet to see anyone point out anything wrong with this concept.

    There IS a LOT wrong with everyone who refuses to accept that fact.

  7. The biggest problem around feminism is the disrespect and violation of ones right to free speech. If anything goes against feminist values it is immediately swatted down and trampled on.

  8. The inability for many feminists to realize that many of the issues that they are angry about effect men just as badly as they do women.

  9. It contributes to the persecution and demonization of the white male. It used to be about equality, and now it seems to be about domination.

  10. The biggest problem is that feminism is used by  people to avoid acknowledgement of their own problems with sexual realization and wrong sexual  orientation.

  11. The biggest problem with feminism is feminists!

  12. Its image. Not enough people can see many of the women who call themselves feminists for what they really are.

  13. I don't. Way to be a jerk.

  14. First of all its discriminatory it does not just effect male it also effects women and it has no colored back round as in it effects everybody. It goes against a lot of things the constatution stands for and is unfair....on the other hand if men would stoop acting the way we did then women wouldn't have a reason to      us other then the fact that not all men are the same and to hold one mans action against all men is just plain wrong.

  15. Hypocrisy and anti male bias.

  16. Feminism isn't flawed, but there are many feminists with flaws.

  17. The Inability of the feminist movement to adequately recognize women who aren't middle class or wealthy white women, especially women of color. The feminist movement needs new leadership or spokespersons that represent all women's concerns, understandings, and differences of opinion, not just wealthy white women. It seems as though racist paternalism, i.e. the subtle form, has always been the Achilles heel of feminism from Margret Sanger and her racist eugenics, to white women forgetting women of color once they got voting rights in the 20's, to Elizabeth Cady Stantons white paternalism. It needs to be a real women's movement not just a movement that represents the interest of some women, which is what it has been for most of American history.

  18. Hypocrisy and anti male bias.

    When I was a housewife and stay at home mother( MY choice) I was ragged on for CHOOSING to stay home and raise my child. Many women put a lot on the line to give me the right to choose so who the f@#K are these jack booted femi-n**i's to try to take it away?

    Feminism is about working for equality between the sexes...not about making men the bad guys.  When you make feminism about attacking the men, you rob it of its power, focus and effectivness.

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