
What do you see in the McCain/Palin team?

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What do you see in the McCain/Palin team?




  1. Palin is obviously an attempt to lure some of the embittered HIllary vote away from the opposition.  Additionally her lack of experience may actually prove to be a plus:  1)  For those tired of the "same old politics" no one is more of an outsider than Palin... 2)  ANY questioning of experience is a good thing for McCain and a bad thing for Obama.

  2. Desperation

  3. fear of the Democrats

  4. hot wives and bad policy

  5. A wrinkled old man, and an empty suit. In other words, not much. Peace!

  6. I don't care much for McCain, but he is staunchly pro life & wants to cut spending in DC.  Palin appeals to me on many levels.  She doesn't have experience in DC, unlike Biden.  She is also pro life, pro 2nd amendment, has a blue collar union husband, & decided to get into politics when she got tired of the baloney she was hearing in her local government.  Her 18yr old son could have been at a nice college somewhere, but he decided to enlist into the military.  That says a lot.  Hope I helped

  7. mostly stupidity - miss alaska - cancelling the convention - etc - is barak up by 20 pts in the polls yet.  

  8. McCain knew he was assured of a loss come November if he didn't do something drastic.  While this may cause him to loose by an even larger margin, it may at least give him an outside shot at luring in some of the millions of women who blindly followed Hillary solely due to her being a woman (and no... I'm not accusing ALL of the women who supported HIllary of being blinded... but I'm sure there were a fair number who would, and will, vote for ANY woman candidate).  As obvious as this may seem, it may at least provide him a long shot at winning (vs. the zero chance he had if he picked another long-term insider).  

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