
What do you see when you look outside?

by Guest60404  |  earlier

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What do you see when you look outside?




  1. I see possibilities.

  2. trees,lots of trees. i live in the boonies.

  3. The bay.  Lots of boats.

  4. the good

  5. Oak trees, beauty berry bushes, rubber plant, pothos, oak trees,  sumac, grape vine, virgina creeper, 4 o'clocks, oak trees, grass, gum nut trees, Resurrection fern, beggars tick, oak trees, roses, ginger, oak leaves, a pond, a frog, sculpture, junk, oak trees, lawn furniture, basketball hoop/court, chickens, cats, a dog, squirrels, spiders, moths, butterflies, a wood bin, lime rock, mushrooms, and mold. Oh and did I mention oak trees?

  6. snow capped mountains, clean air and lots of oil company stuff and a beautiful coal fired plant that keeps me warm for a good price.

  7. A large open field with big trees and hills in the background on one side and a huge and still growing housing area on the other side.

  8. I live in the woods. Trees, trees and more trees. A large farm way off in the distance through a small opening in the trees. Birds, Sunshine, Oh yea,,,and bugs!

  9. Sea, sand, coconut trees and hermit crabs.

    The other day: blue skies, small white cloud.

    Today: Heavy black cloud quickly turning to a pale grey blanket of rain, removing all the beauty of the other day. The strong winds bending coconut trees and driving hermit crabs back in their shells!

    Just another day in paradise!

  10. We survived Gustav! I see a HUGE tree down in the neighbors yard. I see limbs and branches and debris all over our yard. I see the oak tree that is still hanging off our carport, that fell on our whole house and made holes in the roof, so we had to evacuate, quickly. I see the edges of the blue tarps, on the roof, that are keeping the outside out. I see uprooted trees out back. Oh yeah, I see water, everywhere!

  11. I see... lots of trees, a blue sky with fluffy clouds, some birds.

  12. I see the next apartment building, a stray cat, a bunch of cars and pavement.  Ah, the joys of living in the city... /sarcasm.

  13. the night

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