
What do you see when you see a wealthy person ? What goes on in your mind ? In my mind Im thinking?

by  |  earlier

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they must have so much stress trying to stay on top everyday worryiing about how they will have to keep making money. Juggling everything from family and business . I suppose they are so much smarter than me !




  1. i wonder if theyv'e worked hard for what they have or if it was just there,

    i wonder if they have really bad problems to because money doesn't always solve everything

    are they happy?

    are they lookin down at me?

    why am i thinking these things, i don't know who they are and for all i know they could be just as nice as everyone who's not wealthy =)

  2. I usually just finish brushing my teeth and leave the mirror in the bathroom...don't wanna be late for work! Gosh, life is stressful!

  3. When i see a wealthy person i always think how i'd like to have alot of money but then  i think of how they use their money to show off the fact that they have money.

  4. What do you mean,,,,,,,,,Im wealthy =S what do you want? Money? It doesnt matter just be happy of the fact of what you have....Yeah i might have an lsr and you dont but who cares?Just stop looking at other people

  5. In my mind I'm thinking........ you stuck-up snob.  I put my pants on one leg at a time just like you do.  Just get back into your Limo and leave me alone.

  6. When I see them, I wonder if they are truly happy.  If you've watch the documentary "Born Rich" you will see that a lot of them lead excessive but then miserable lives.  It makes you think that they're human after all.

  7. When I see a wealthy person, I hope they give to charities and remember to help people along the way, just as they were helped to get to the top.

  8. I think, "Wow, it's envious that they're so wealthy. What can I learn from them to be wealthy like them? I have my family, friends, and my health, but can I be like them without compromising on any of what I presently have?"

  9. I am a programmer and I know for a fact that Bill Gates is not  smarter than I. Yeah, it must be great to wake up in the morning and not have to be anywhere and not ever have to worry about money. Gates is not superior to me, just a h**l of a lot more fortunate. If that sounds like I'm complaining, I'm not. I accept life on its own terms.

  10. I see a person not a bank account.

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