
What do you seek from life?

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What do you seek from life?




  1. Happiness

  2. Adventure, understanding the cultures of the world, improving society for future generations

  3. I seek self-awareness, and a life-examined.

    I seek a life with as few regrets as I can manage.

    I seek a life where I embrace my flaws and dismiss those who don't.

    I seek to never stop learning.

  4. Just about anything and everything possible, exept for the bad stuff, like smoking, drugs, addiction,  drunkenness, ect.

  5. Happiness, love

  6. Love.

  7. to be happy, to love my wife forever, and she do the same to me.  To not work my life away and enjoy everything I can.

  8. Happiness.

    Love. sorta,

    I think love is overrated in a way. but that may be because I'm too young to know and I've never experienced it. :D

  9. ...contentment, love, happiness, thankfulness, gratefulness and a humbleness in enjoying all that LIFE IS...

  10. Happiness is all I can ask for.  

  11. Serenity. Peacefulness.

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