
What do you suppose happened to little Caylee?

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I'd be interested in hearing your theories.




  1. Her mom killed her.

    I would bet 1000 bucks on it-if it wasnt such a sickening thing to think about that is.

    I would say her mom probably was one of these prozac chicks with a bad temper, she probably was always loosing it when she was alone with the kid and on the last time probably hit the child too hard-killing her. Then she disposed of the body somewhere.

    The truth will come out soon. They will either find the body or she will snap. They might put her in a cell with a informant who will act all friendly and buddy buddy witih her-she will admit to that person what she did.

  2. There is no doubt in my mind it is drug related as you say. I suspect that she killed her in a drug craze or is responsible for her death by neglect and buried her body. Ordinarily, I'd say the truth will come out. But, considering the likes of the McCanns and the Ramseys (who ARE guilty regardless of DNA 10 years too late) then I'm not so sure about the truth coming out anymore.

  3. She killed her and didn't know what to do, that's why it took her so long to report it. She's a psycho underneath all that "poor me mommy" image.

  4. I'm going to play the Devil's advocate here, but only to shine the light on the positive - that little Caylee could still be alive.

    Drugs? Crackhouses.. I don't know where some of you are getting your news from, but the mother never had any history of being a bad mom.  

    Little Caylee's father knew he had a daughter.  He was killed in an automobile crash.

    There IS something hinky, or fishy going on with this case.. Watch Nancy G., watch Geraldo, watch Greta.

    There is no 'remorse' coming from Casey I believe, because she's stashed her somewhere, or someone does have her.

    She (Casey) was perhaps trying to get away from her mother, - she stole the credit card, (not to buy drugs) - but perhaps to take her daughter away and begin a new life.  Now someone has her, perhaps, and Caylee knows exactly who.  Tony, too probably.

    The grandma's strange.  She lies to the 911 operator - calls them ONLY to report a 'Missing Car' and then suddenly Remembers??!! to tell them about her 'missing granddaughter"??  Even the operator was confused.

    While off-line, which they weren't, Cindy can be heard saying "I've already given you 31 days to produce HER".  To whom? Her?!  This grandmother and daughter don't have a great relationship.  Now Casey wants to talk to the "F.B.I.".  She probably got into a heap of trouble while trying to get away with her daughter, and now needs outside help.  The whole family seem to know something, and even they believe the child's alive.

    Nutty family or not, I think the little girl (thank goodness) is out there somewhere - and soon we'll find out what this mess is all about.

    Be a little positive here, - noone cares how idiotic these people are, or how it affects them, let's just pray and focus focus on the 1% chance she could be alive, please.

  5. She went on a "spending spree" with the grandmother's credit card.  I was thinking she may have gone shopping to buy things to trade for drugs and left the child in the car while shopping.  

    I can't believe how badly that I want to see this child returned safely.  For some reason, my heart goes out to this child.  I mean if your own mother doesn't look out for you in this world, what kind of a chance do you have?

  6. I don't know, as a mother it is so gutwrenching to think of a lil baby being out in the world alone, dead or alive. To think that such a precious gift was probably treated so horribly but i am sure hoping not, i truely hope they find her with someone, that the mother just decided she couldn't do it anymore and handed the little girl to a friend or someone to raise. I truely hope the grandparent's find her. Such a sad and twisted story.

  7. Is this the case of Caylee Anthony ? I have to admit that I am not familiar with this case except to say that she was dropped off at a baby-sitter in mid June and not reported missing until mid July, a whole month later !!! Even a whole day later would have raised some questions but a whole month ?

  8. I get the feeling after reading through arrest reports etc.

    Her mother has killed her to be with her boyfriend anthony.She was going to the beach w him and cooking he and his friends dinner while Caylee is missing and not once in 30 days well since june 9th when she moved in with him did she once worry over FINDING caylee because she already knew where she was....My hope is that if she is dead.God is protecting her..poor childs been through enough.

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