Here's my dream:
I'm in a shopping centre, going to meet my current boyfriend. For the sake of being brief, I'll call him L. L hasnt turned up yet and I'm walking around the shopping centre alone. I come across my Ex-boyfriend (He shall be named C) and we begin talking just as friends. I then stumble across L. He gets in a mood because I am talking to C, who he doesn't like (this is true in real life too btw) so I tell C I will see him another time and he goes away.
Me and L go around the shopping centre. We enter a shop which looks remarkably like HMV. He meets up with a girl and begins up a conversation with her, completly ignoring me.
I walk off by myself and find a pillar in the store where I begin to practice pole dancing on it (I can't do this in real life btw) Soon, I see C in the store, and I ask him to watch my pole dancing. He does and then all of a sudden I know I'm having s*x with him.
Then I got woken up. What do you suppose this means??