
What do you take from this? I moved into a new neighborhood a few months ago...?

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...very small neighborhood - I'm talking, "cabin in the woods" type neighborhood. Anyway, I developed a crush on my neighbor - a 41 year old guy (I'm 28). I know, I know...

Anyway, when I first met him I was happy that I wasn't attracted to him (he looked very cute from afar but is actually very dorky up close). One of my neighbors invited me out on a Friday for drinks and dinner with her (married - husband out of town that weekend) and the neighbor (the 41 year old single guy). I got along well with the neighbor and he invited me to go with him to see a band that night. I did and the next morning he walked me over 4 c.d's that he burnt. That's when the crush started.




  1. I do have to guess.  Not a lot to go on.

    However, consider this: If he's 41 an unmarried, that's your first hint of problems.

    His behavior is a second hint, a big one.

    My guess is this one: He is afraid of commitment, so when involvement gets to a certain point warning bells go off--like: "this is going too well."  And he backed off, into a self-protective mode. Another guess: something you said, NOT something wrong you said but something pushed a button (you words made a connect with a past negative/traumatic event or situation in his life).

    A third hint (that you need to exercise quite a bit of caution) is his age.  I have heard it said, more than once, that 10 years age difference is the sensible limit.

  2. I would guess that he's afraid of one-on-one relationships. He likes you, he is just afraid of being alone with you.  

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