
What do you tell a young person who comments- 'WHY do girls in p**n look so better than girls outside of it ?'

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' Why are these good looking of women doing the dirtiest things, while all these 'normal' girls/women make you jump thru hoops ?' ' What's the point of wasting time with 6's who want relationships and dinners, when p**n has obviously shown us that there are plenty of AMAZING looking women who are already loose- and there are more coming everyday!' ' What's the point?'

> What would you say to that young person? What would be your advice?




  1. I'd tell him to grow a brain then exercise it daily to avoid rot.  btw, unless he's got lots of money, is extremely good looking and well-hung, he wouldn't stand a chance with a p**n star let alone know how to meet one.

  2. Tell him the truth, he can't afford their going rate.

  3. what a confusing long question. sounds like a story!

  4. have you looked at p**n lately? hardly a bunch of "10s" working in it these days. and the rest are fake as they get. Boring.

  5. Looks aren't everything, you know.

    Tom Hanks is nowhere near the world's sexiest man, and yet he is one of the top box-office stars of our generation. His movies gross millions world-wide because he focuses more on roles in movies that tell a compelling story rather than merely appeal to looks.

    A woman named Norma Jean died of a drug overdose because the fake persona of Marilyn Monroe consumed her.

    True love is not about looking good 24/7, and the best s*x does not come from p**n. People go for p**n because p**n does not talk back, have bad breath, or f**t at the wrong moments. But p**n stars are just as picky in real life about who they "do it" with. I'm not making this up. In clubs around Los ANgeles and California Beach towns, models and p**n magazine chicks base their relationships equally on "meat Market" standards as anyone else.

    Ask your young friend how many p**n models are knocking on HIS door in real life. Who is THIS person that deserves equal adoration from the models he admires? I stopped worshipping handsome actors while wuite young when I realized that not one of those people was equally interested in meeting ME in return. This person needs to be just as hot to get the hotties, and if he is not he will always suffer the consequences of total rejection. Turn around can be a b***h - to be stuck in a place with a hottie who treats you like you are invisible and not worth THEIR time.

    You will probably never change that person's mind. Which is why I went fishing, surfing, camping, and to the beach by myself rather than wait for a date.

    My husband is not the best-looking guy in the world any more than I am a total hottie, as a result, his love and attention is all mine and my love and attention is all for him. We have been married for 14 years and hope for 20 more in this lifetime. I don't love him because he is handsome, I don't love him for superficial reasons, the reasons why I love him is an endless list. We are happy and content with each other. Your friend will never understand how rich love can be when he focuses only on one aspect. For that, well, sorry.

  6. It's simple - Stop focusing on the superficial aspect of relationships.  Eventually, it could actually prevent you from having a real relationship.  You might want one of those when you're ready to MATURE.

  7. If your only criteria in dating/having s*x is that she be as beautiful as possible, and have the freakiest s*x imaginable, then I guess you might as well just hang out with such women. Or, in their absence, hang out with your own hand and a collection of DVDs. Of course, if you have other criteria, like you want to know them as people; you want them to date you exclusively; you think that surgically altering one's body in order to attract members of the opposite s*x is demeaning; you think character is the most important thing, not appearance; you want her to be a good mother; you want her to be a good role model, etc., then dating a collection of pornography, or dating a p**n star if you can swing it, won't be your highest asperation. Now, I'm not saying that p**n stars necessarily lack character or aren't nice people and all that, but I'm saying that it's easier to teach a girl with a nice personality some p**n tricks, than turn a p**n star with an unpleasant personality into a nice person. But regardless, it sounds like to such a person, non-p**n criteria just have no value whatsoever. So you might as well be trying to teach a blind person about the difference between the colors red and pink.

  8. The women in p**n are getting PAID to do those things, and the fact they are good-looking is the whole reason anyone is willing to pay them to do those things on camera.

    It's movies... not to be mistaken for real life.

  9. I've seen plenty of p**n, and some of the girls are good looking, but I don't think the majority of them are that hot.  As for someone who says something like that, I wouldn't bother trying to be friends with, or even reason with them.  That person obviously has issues.

    If he doesn't want a relationship, then of course he shouldn't waste his time, and especially shouldn't WASTE THE TIME OF women who DO want a relationship.  Honesty is the best policy; if you aren't capable of monogamy then you should just be honest with yourself and others about it.  

    To me, s*x with a different person all the time is more boring than s*x in a relationship.  I feel that meaningless s*x with a different person every night is like s*x with the same moron every night.  It's the same game, the same sh*t, etc. At least in a relationship when you teach the person what you like, they remember it for next time.  In addition, you don't have to go through awkward niceties afterwards because you are already comfortable with the person.  As for people who don't feel this way - that meaningles s*x becomes very boring after a while - maybe they just have a slow learning curve?  I don't know, to each their own.

  10. p**n is as real a WWF....but faker then heck

  11. If you saw those p**n queens without makeup you would not recognize them.  They have hair and makeup people whose job is to make them up.  

    Secondly, if all you want is a superficial relationship then you and the p**n queens belong together - but remember she''ll want plenty of money.   Thats why she does those things for the cash.

    And then your second question today was about women on welfare.  Where do you think those women on welfare came from.....

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