
What do you tell your children that the sound of thunder is?

by  |  earlier

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For example, God moving his furniture.




  1. tell your kids the truth

    that it is the friction of clouds rubbing against eachother causing static this is the lightning you can see and thunder is just the sound is makes like when you rub a baloon against your hair

  2. I wouldn't recommend telling them about moving furniture.

    My grandmother tried that on me when I was a small child terrified of storms. She said the noise was just angels moving a piano.

    It didn't help. I was even more frightened because I thought they were going to drop the piano on me.

  3. The old man cutting one

  4. tell them the sound of thunder is made from lightning.  tell them the truth.  god moving his furniture will just confuse them.

  5. The sound of air rapidly expanding, tearing if you will, as a result of super heated molecules exploding with heat energy from a bolt of lightning.

    I don't like telling fairy tales to kids. The truth is so much cooler.

  6. Yes,absolutely,i was told in my children's home in Liss Hampshire that it was either god moving furniture,or if it was near Christmas it was Santa moving pressie etc

    i miss the naivety of childhood.

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