
What do you tell your daughter about a v****a name?

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Ok i help my dad raise my sisters childeren since im the only woman in the house (13) I feel its my place to teacher her these things but she calls her v****a her butt! what should i tell her it is? i mean i always herd the names monkey or cookie for them but is there any other names im confused




  1. i called it my fairy!

  2. twaddle


    i know that sounds funny, but that'w what i called it as a small child

  3. Tell her the truth- tell her it's her v****a. There's nothing bad about that, you don't want to teach her that her body is shameful. I grew up knowing every part of my body and their proper names. My brother knew he had a p***s. She should know the accurate names of her body parts, even private ones. Just tell her in a matter-of-fact way. "That's not your butt, silly, that's your v****a." These days it's important for kids to know the proper names and not feel ashamed to talk about her private parts. She should be able to have a dialogue with you or her parents when she gets older using the accurate terms. There's nothing BAD about her v****a, after all! In case (heaven forbid) somebody would want to abuse her in the future, knowledge is power, and she can tell a teacher, or you, or your sister exactly what happened right away using the proper names. Plus she will find the proper name out sometime, and if she's already calling it something else, that could be confusing to her.

    :) It's nice you care so much about your niece, I wish I had an auntie like you.

  4. You should call it like it is... telling her it is something else may be confusing... i mean if she is ever touched at school and says so and so touched my cookie, noone is gonna make that big of a deal out of it, when it really is a big deal if someone touches her.

  5. kitty

    peep hole

    second pair of lips




    the V


    or just tell her its her v****a.

    Twiztidforlife kinda liked talking about kitties, we should do it more often.

  6. I would be honest with her and tell her it is a v****a.  Maybe name some other body parts too, like a learning experience for her.  It's important for her to know I think.  This way, if abuse was to happen (it's hard to think of it, but it occurs more than you think) she would have the proper words and knowledge.  I'm not sure how old she is because you didn't mention it, but I think that you are a good person and trying to do what is right to help your dad with your sister's children!  

  7. PLEASE tell her it is a v****a. You can come up with another name if you want, but make sure she knows that it is her v****a.

    Child molesters have gone free because children didn't know where they were touched. A coochie, tata, or lala can be anything. A v****a is a v****a. Make sure she knows.  

  8. well you should her know the right name for it. but i mean she can always have a different name for it in case she decides to bring it up in public. lets be honest people we all have had our little names for our girl down there...i know growing up i called it my cooter ha. so just let her come up with something but also let her know the correct name for it.  

  9. Tell her the proper name "v****a" and if for any reason you need to call it something other than that, just use the word "privates."  There's no reason to make-up "cute" names.  It's nice that you are willing to take on this responsibilty.

  10. Reality is reality. A v****a is a v****a. People name their v****a different cute or ugly names but that's something to focus on when you become more mature with your body. However my mother used to call mine my doll house or the cookie jar. She mostly did it becuse i was too embarassed to sat v****a. It's best to tell her exactly what it's true name is. Because one day she'll need to know the importance of keeping that special place sacred. Tell her the truth. If she's can't understand then give her one of those cute names i mentioned above...good luck


  11. i guess just tell her what it is. i mean if you don't right now its not like she will never know what it is, ya know?? so do whatever you feel you need to do. i recommend a nick name so it doesn't sound so bold. lol. when i was younger (and i still do) haha, i would say cha cha. but whatever you feel comfortable with her saying.

  12. At an age younger than you, she probably doesn't have much need to talk about her v****a.  And, she probably doesn't even need to know all of the names of the specific parts that make up her v***a.  Although, if she's curious, you can show her something like this: to let her know all of the names for all of the different parts.  

    But, in our family, we taught the kids to call the female genitals as a whole by the proper name - v***a.  

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