
What do you the biggest lie of them all (that joe biden tragic car accident was NOT cause by a drunk driver)?

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i saw that on inside edition and after that will you ever put your trust in him now that he is vp nom




  1. Link please.


  2. only




    an idiot like you will attack a man's tragedy and make it into a political statement.

    Sadism is a mental disease and so is conservatism

    Boy you really messed  up in the head

  3. Back in 72, they did not pursue drunk drivers they way they do today.

  4. I never heard that his wife was killed by a drunk driver. Does it matter? A woman and her son were killed and Biden had to cope with it and keep his other son safe and growing up well (which he did marvelously)

    BTW, You type like you are drunk.

  5. No one ever said it was a drunk driver!  Prove your assertion with a link.  Why should we just believe you?

  6. I think there are a few that are a teeny bit worse....

    "There is no doubt Saddam Hussein has reconstituted his nuclear weapons program" d**k Cheney

    "No one could have imagined people would hijack airplanes and fly them intro buildings" C. Rice

    “There are neighborhoods in Baghdad where you and I could walk through those neighborhoods, today,”

    "General Petraeus goes out there almost every day in an unarmed Humvee." John McCain

    Etc. Etc. ad naseum

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