
What do you thinik is my problem?

by  |  earlier

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So its 8 am. I haven't slept. I won't allow myself to sleep either. I feel guilty about it. It's similar to when I would feel guilty about eating. I wouldn't allow myself to eat for days. Then I would eat a whole bunch of things and feel guilty about that so I would make myself throw it up... it was so horrid! Now it has advanced to sleeping problems. I won't allow myself to sleep anymore. I cry all the time. And I feel like I have no one at all. My parents sorta know what's going on but they really don't care. I have hit rock bottom and I feel like I'm spiraling out of control! What should I do? I have no one to talk to or confide in. I feel so lonely! My home life isn't the best so my friends were always my salvation, but I don't have any anymore because it is summer and I am in between two different schools and no one from my old school will talk to me bc I sort of left without saying good bye and I just feel horrible! can anyone tell me what is going on with me? I don't know its like my emotions run faster then my Brain can process.Help?




  1. Well maybe you would find help in talking to a therapist. Or perhaps a counscler.

    And therapists could really help you.  

  2. sounds like depression... listen to music, that's always helped me. And you have to let your self sleep, or it will get worse. Sleeping makes everything better. And are you not eating because you think youll get fat? People dont get fat from eating. They get fat from eating badly. There are plenty of tasty, healthy things out there. And if you really have no one to talk to, go take a walk. Every day. And if none of that works talk to a profesional.  

  3. go an see a doctor now my friend it's very important

  4. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get yourself to a therapist or counselor immediately!!! Look in your local yellow pages and there should be listings for a community mental health center.  

  5. Like this message your point for the things you do are all mixed up... There is something wrong and if you sit still long enough to can find out what's wrong.. why do you push people away??? why are you having problems with your parents?? these are all questions that you might wanna go over first and ask yourself is it something about yourself that you don't like, that makes you not allow no one else to like you either.

  6. Maybe it's depression. Is it from your family? Being almost ignored won't help it at all. Try to do things that will make you happy. Speak to your friends. Don't feel guilty. Try and watch things that make you happy! Or listen to music that's not sad/depressing. I really suck at answering questions and I'm not very you see i'm only 3% good answer but I've sorta been in your position. I stay up all night on the computer...and feel useless. I cry sometimes and feel like no one likes me. But then I just tell myself that this isn't what God wants me to do. And I put a smile on and things get better. I hope you do okay.

  7. kk ill start with your friends. they are your friends! dont worry u have nothing to worry about you have their numbers? call them and meet them if not u know where they live? pop by and see them. and now ur problem. well its obviously guilt. but guilt about what? if its just your friends you have nothing to panick about, they art ur friends which means they care about you. ur just like me i panick about things too and make myself ill but it never turns out to be a problem at all.

    if its just ur friends dont worry if its somethin g else please specify.  

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