
What do you think, am i overweight?

by  |  earlier

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im 14, and about 5'4-5'5, and i weigh about 49-50kg.

is that a bit overweight?

if yes, about how much should i go down too?




  1. WHAT!?!

    No. NO NO NO. You are not overweight AT ALL!

    You are actually a few kgs UNDERWEIGHT.

    The ideal weight for a woman who is 5'4" or 5'5", EVEN if she has a small frame, is between 52 to 61 kg.

    Plus, your body, at age 14, is RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE of its growing spurt, so this is actually the worst time to try to diet. If you end up magically gaining 20 kgs in the next two years, THEN at age 16 try dieting, because your body weight and height will have stabilized enough that it will be safe.

    All that said, if you aren't pleased with your body in some way, don't try losing weight (that will just make you look scrawny and sickly) try lifting weights. You'll gain muscle and look toned, and you'll actually gain and few pounds (muscle weighs more than fat) and be closer to your appropriate weight.

  2. no you are not overweight at all.

    don't go down anymore.

    it's actually unhealthy for you.

    anything under a 100 lbs, which is about 49-50ish,

    at your height and age, that's underweight.

  3. man thats sxc i reckon im like 13 5'6 and like 66kg so yeh  

  4. underweight actually

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