
What do you think, brits?

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I'm an American who is going to be studying abroad this fall at the uni of East Anglia, and I was curious if there were any random tips you guys could give me about life in the UK. Do people hate Americans as much as we think they hate us? Haha it's sad that it's come to us being afraid to travel anywhere in fear that people will assume we all are ignorant, obnoxious people who think we're the best. Not the case here, I'm excited to leave the country!

Anyway, any particular things I should know, such as common mix-ups with words or annoyances you've run into? Or just general opinions of Americans who come to the UK?

Thanks in advance =)




  1. Don't be loud don't call us brits don't  think the food would be like american food.

  2. Try hard not to say it, those dreaded four words that soooo many of us (not so much hate) but do dislike.  It pains me to type this, those four words , 'Have A Nice Day'.  No... No... NO... don't say it.

    'I hope you have a nice day'. That's fine.

    'I hope you have a good day'. That's better.

    You will find that most people are alright.  You will find that people will 'slag-off' your government.  Don't let that get to you, that's quite normal in this country.  Slagging off the British government is more or less a national pass time over here, we are not going to treat you government any better.  I get the impression that the American people don't openly do such a thing, the spectre of McCathy (anti-American and all that rubbish) still exists over there.

    You will be moving to an amazing area of the country, much of it is managed land.  A lot of the land is below sea-level and used to be a fenland area.  Dutch people were brought over to drain the fens and there are water drainage pumbing stations dotted around the countryside to stop the land returning back to the fenland it was.  As a result there is a lot of countryside to explore - very flat and very windy still very pleasent.  You will find old Norman churches in the middle of fields.  This is because of the black death in the 1600s.  The churches were the centre of the village but when the black death came the villages were burnt down and people moved away and built elsewhere.

    I hope you enjoy you stay here and don't let the people who hate Americans bother you, these people generally hate everybody anyhow.

    Take care of yourself and good luck with your studies.

    Ps.  I nearly forgot:  Who and Whom, don't correct anybody on their use of who or whom.  In actual English it is a choice.  Sorry to have tell you this but the Who and Whom thing really is  American sobbery and does not apply to us English.

  3. we're not a bad lot but sadly there is always bad apples in every barrel,the main thing i have against usa is your government dragging us into it's petty arguements with other countries and war your goverment seems to think it can tell the world how the earth should be run and what country can have what weapons etc,but against you individuals i have no problem and wish you well and lots of luck,i also live in the anglia region and if you'd like to make contact with someone over here and would be glad to be that friend   Godbless and good luck i wish you all the best in your future education,the main thing that is cold over here is the weather

  4. Oh fun, fresh meat.  

    First tip to give... don't take anything we say seriously.  For the most part, we don't care for drama and choose, instead, comedy or tasteful satire.

    Second tip, be quiet.  Part of the reason we Brits hate tourists is because they're loud.  They stand far too close to you to be comfortable.  They leave rubbish lying about, as though the ground is going to absorb it.  They have no manners (or rather, no etiquette; they may be polite, but they don't understand basic etiquette), and wear very strange clothing.

    Which is my third tip... stick to sweats and jeans.  Most American fashion is a joke in England.  

    As for language, the toilet is the loo, the car drives on the left, chips are long potatoe slices that are fried, and if anybody asks "Alright?" or "Alright there?", it's the same as an American asking, "How's it going?"  

    That should keep you from some basic mess ups every American I've known has had.

  5. Don't assume that everything should be the same way as it is in the US

  6. Hi, you will have a wonderful time in the UK and don't worry 99.9% of the population like Americans, don't forget that a lot of people still remember you for getting us out of trouble in 1943, good look and enjoy your stay.

  7. There is a lot of truth in the previous answers. I suggest that there is a modern phenomenon where dislike and distrust of people from other countries is caused not by them personally, but their Government. I personally happen to like both Americans and Russians for example, but detest their Governments (as well as our own)

    We should not judge a population by it's Government.

  8. as far as i am aware we dont hate americans. we have a massive amount of people in this country who arnt british  we are very multi cultural. just dont expect it to be like the states , also just a tip british people tend to be straight talking and honest  so dont take offence easily .

  9. Just dont be loud

  10. I'm not English I'm Irish and i don't think we hate you , ye we take the pis* a bit but you'll be fine, just don't forget your Prozac!!

  11. Most of us say americans are loud, but the worst thing is over-reacting. watch an american show like Jerry springer or maury , then watch a similar british show such as Trisha Goddard and just look at the difference in the crowd. Americans tend to be scared of british driving and roads.  and i would say 'autumn' not 'fall' :)  but east anglia is a nice place, the people there are friendlier than some parts of UK , but you have to understand how different England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland really are, different languages, cultures, food, people, everything! so never judge britain as one country because its not!

  12. Please do not get the impression that we hate you... We don't, all cultures are stereotyped. Nearly all the Americans I have met have been friendly, courteous, and generally very nice. you always get idiots but, just ignore them.

  13. East Anglia? Should be a bit of a culture shock! The vast majority of people will be friendly and welcoming to you, as an American staying over here. You'll have to get used to doing/saying a few things differently I'm sure, and embracing the local culture I'm sure, and that will do you fine. East Anglia is a lot different to other parts of the UK, London for example. Try visiting London though if you get the chance, there's a lot more to do there!

  14. is it england you are coming to? if it is you will do yourself a big favour by calling our country by its proper name ENGLAND! THANK YOU!

  15. I'm a british women and i didnt think that people had a problem with the US,  Just enjoy yourself and have fun.

  16. First of all... British people don't hate Americans. Mostly they love the accent! However don't act too much like a tourist and im sure you will fit in fine.

    Our society in Britain quite mixed as is every other so you will occasionally get your pathetic people who hate foreign people! But just ignore them...

    Secondly...Enjoy your time in Britain...The weather is c**p but overall its a pretty decent place!

  17. I love the Americans and i wish i could study over there when i was younger, but it cost too much.

    I have never had any bad experience with any American over here or over in the States.

    I would continue to use your own lingo, don't loose sight of who you are. As long as you know what the English call certain things so you can have an alternative word in case some people don't understand.

    I sometimes myself use American sayings and words, just because i love it.

    When in a restaurant people ask where the toilet or loo is, it does sound better to me to ask where the restroom is, but thats my opinion.

    You'll have a great time over here, yes the weather does suck sometimes, well most of the time, but above all take it for what it is and be yourself. The worst you could do is pretend your someone your not.

    The accent does attract many people and i think you'll fit in just right.

    The worst you could probably do is start talking politics to people that you don't really know. As a general rule not many people over here are fans of your president and i know lots of people in the States are of the same opinion, it can start a full blown argument so i would stay away from that topic.

  18. watch your spellings lol

    you spell it color we spell it colour, you say chips we call them crisps, fries are chips, oh and if you ask for beer you wont get bud or miller you will get beer so i would ask for lager (that is if you drink bud/miller oh and legal age to drink/smoke  is 18  some clubs you have to be 21 to get in but mostly its 18, the mall is the shopping centre and dont forget the english love good manners.

    you will have a great time at uni

    enjoy your stay

  19. The UK is England, Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland altogether,

    If you are studying in East Anglia, you are studying in England,

    We are not Brits but English,

    Brits are when you are talking about the English, Scottish & Welsh has a whole,

  20. hi I'm from east Anglia, dout any one will say anything as every one got be so political correct this days and they will pro bally be some dumbos that treat you like a celeb cos of your accent. I havent noticed a great deal of language differences on here are sense of humour is quite different i think. london you know london mary poppins cup of tea....

  21. I'm a UK/US dual citizen (born in England though) and I don't live far from there. You shouldn't worry about the differences too much, every country has a few people who don't like foreigners but you won't find many of them around the university campus.

    If you have any specific questions about the area or life here in general, drop me an e-mail from my profile page and I'll try to help. Good luck with your move!

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