
What do you think, should this wrestler be punished, and why?

by  |  earlier

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Now there should be no question, that this is not very good sportsmanship behavior, but check out this aricle . Not everybody can win gold, there can only be one person that win gold, silver, and bronze. But this event happened at this year's olympics. So do you think that this wrestler should be punished, and if so what do you think his punishment should be. Now it might be too far, that he should be banned from future events, but what do you think? And please check out this story before answering this question.




  1. different perspective. the officiating in this event left a lot of questions . from the wreslers point of view ,nobody rembers who finishes second or third . no athlete comprting in the olympics wants to win silver , or bronze. he did deserve gold . he was expressing his will to win . the only critisim that could be given , was poor sportsmanship. if he had not shown up for the presentation , minimal questions would have been asked . he showed a winning attitude by throwing the bronze . i think he definatly did the correct thing . i agree with his decision . notice team events . see how many players do not attended silver medal presentation . there will be at least three . if the cameras went into silver medallists dressing room it would be trashed .  

  2. I think he should have his medal taken away (how obvious) and he should be banned from receiving a medal at all. Even if he gets a gold in the next event, he should be disqualified and everyone else would move up a spot,

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