
What do you think? ANSWER PLEASE!!!?

by  |  earlier

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Okay i like this guy. He is really nice to me and he is really cute. I asked the question before on Yahoo if people thought he liked me. They said he probably likes me. But i was talking to my guyfriend who plays soccer with him and said he is really shallow... My guyfriend keeps on telling me stuff like that, but i dont believe him and everyone else seems to think the guy i like is okay...

I think my friend is just being nice but i dont know what to think... My friend said that he over hears my crushes conersations with other guys and that he is always talking about girls ***' and stuff, But i dont know...




  1. Sounds like he is trying to hide being shallow from you cause he wants to make a good impression on you and doesn't want you to know that side of him. Get to know him and make the judgement for yourself, if he is shallow...steer clear, you don't need someone like that in your life.  

  2. you are a silly muppet...

  3. Johnny nailed it.  Your guy friend has a crush on you.  Believe me; I was the guy friend and all the girls asked me about these ***holes, and I told the truth.  Sounds exactly like what HE told YOU.  Over and over and over I watched these girls -- I would have treated like a queen -- go after my "friends" and get CRAPPED ON !

    Take your guy "friend" out and give him a chance -- you will probably find out that he loves you dearly, date, fall in love with HIM and live happily ever after.

  4. this looks really difficult for you especially trying to find answers about the many questions going on in ya mind about him..........

    it looks like you have strong feelings for him (sort of) but you don't know what he is feeling about you

    This is the only way to find out:

    If he is really nice to you like you say, do not feel confused about what your guy friend is telling you.

    First thing you need to do is, Keep him as a friend, go out to lunch with him, coffee or something of the this i mean you are trying to get to know him but don't give him the impression  that you have a crush on him

    Do activities with hobbies, (find out what his hobbies are) and eventually he will open up to you...... and you will know what is in his Mind......

    then you can tell what your chances are

  5. I think your 'guyfriend' likes you. Trust me. If he was trying so hard to get you no to go after this guy he probably 90% chance he likes you. He might be making it up but he might not. I would listen to your friend over some guy or anyone else. Why would he be your friend if you believed others over him?

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