
What do you think About This ?????????

by Guest59064  |  earlier

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this is what i feel love is( this type of love)

When you find someone you 'love'. The only reason you do is becasue the resemble the other side of you.(the other side being the oppsiste s*x side of you). say you were female looking for a male to be with you would look to find someone as close to the other half of you as you can. It's called our Shekena. That is why god does not need this Type of love that we search for becasue he has both sides of the sexes in himself and therefore feels whole and loved in that sence. We will search our whole lives to find our shekena to be whole and fufilled. When jwe find one who is close we call it love in the secnce which is why we are capable to have more than one love at once.




  1. I have to disagree, great as this sounds. Finding another to love does not complete you a person. You must be complete and content with yourself first and then you will find love. (just my opinion)

  2. Your theory doesn't apply to people in same-s*x relationships so I would say I don't believe it. I don't believe in that Yin and Yang male complementing female concept.

    Well, I don't believe in that specific point, but we can look for people who have things that we lack (our "opposites") and that they will complement us (opposite attract theory).

    I personally would like someone similar to me so they can understand where I am coming from and not nag me to try to be like them (I'm messy and I wouldn't want someone constantly telling me to clean up/be more responsible/be more outgoing). I find that as a problem dating someone opposite- they wouldn't understand me, and might try to change me to be like them. Would like someone with similar interests, views, and personality.

  3. that's interesting..

  4. I am personally just looking for my Shakira, but that is just me.

    Ya know what....I am willing to believe anything that even slightly starts to explain that type of love.

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