
What do you think Bush should do in has last days in office?

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What should he accomplish?




  1. smoke a big fatty

  2. Invade some 3rd world country and grab their OIL !!!

    (Oh, half a mo, he tried that already, didn't he ?)

  3. Lay Low... He won't have the Specter of Cheney hanging over us to protect Him- anymore!  :0

  4. sent more troops to IRAQ

  5. Just take a 6 month vacation at his ranch before he can cause more irreparable harm.

  6. Expire in peace.

  7. Do exactly what he's been doing: as little as possible.  I'm disappointed the man who had so much "spirit and fire" in the beginning of his eight year run----now hides behind the White House interior, quiet on our current woes.

    Why is simple to explain: He has NO clue on how to address the economic terrorism attacks on America!!  Where's his tough talk NOW???  Bet the bank Al-Qaida sympatheic OPEC countries are asking that question right now!!!

    We've protected America impressively well: covering ALL the possible terrorist "cracks" via Homeland Security, FBI, CIA and INTERPOL......but the one terrorist strike venue we can't protect America ( or the world, for that matter ) from are the OPEC price gouging attacks.

    Bush said resonately that any form of terrorist attack on the U.S. and allies WILL BE MET WITH QUICK EFFECTIVE RESPONSE!!!  Bush also said that terrorist ALLIES are our war ENEMIES----and WILL BE DEALT WITH.

    Well, I haven't seen any action on what OPEC is freely doing against America---which IS economic terrorism.  So I guess my question to Bush is:  Where is your plan to combat this form of terrorism now????

  8. He should forget about Americas already terrible world opinion, and finish the job in Iraq, even if it means some civilian casualties. (not saying alot but if a position is firing at you, and there about 2 hostages inside....well buisness is buisness.

    Or he could just kill himself.

  9. Take a "Spoken English" class at an Adult Education Center.

  10. Apologize to the world whilst sitting on a greasy pole.

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