
What do you think Casey Anthony put her daughter Caylee Anthony's body?

by Guest57690  |  earlier

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Caylee Anthony's DNA decomposition was found in the trunk of the Anthony's Pontiac. Where do you think Casey hid the body?




  1. Im not really sure why but I have the feeling that she may have taken her body to a wooded area and burned her. Just from the gas cans being in her car and no sign at all of her. Also around the disapperence they said there were pings from her cell phone from a wooded area by the orlando airport. I just pray to god she will finally break and confess and let her daughter rest in peace and let her family mourn.

  2. Im not sure what she did with the body.Its a sad sad thing when a child has to look in its parents face while the parent is hurting/killing it. Tonight on CNN they announced that yet again someone has posted bail for this baby killer and she's due to get out tomorrow morning. It breaks my heart that this has happened and this monster wont tell where this little girl is.

  3. Her boyfriend tony knows !!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Equuisearch is focusing on a 3 square mile area northeast of the Orlando Intl. Airport. This is where the cell phone records triangulation pattern shows Casey to have been, seemingly without purpose. An area near the Amscot building north of town has also been checked out, as has J. Blanchard Park. I believe that the area near the airport is where the authorities and Equuisearch believe Casey buried Caylee. However, search areas are spread from Tampa to Daytona and everywhere in between. Some have even claimed that Caylee could have been disposed of as far away as Jacksonville.

  5. I think that Casey left poor little Caylee in one of the swamps in Florida. What I have been wondering while watching Nancy Grace and they are talking about looking for her behind the airport, is this is Florida we are talking about I am thinking she feed the poor baby to an alligator. That is why she doesn't care about them looking and isn't eager to get an immunity deal.  

  6. Alligators

  7. This is such a sad story :(

    Since the day it came out on the news I prayed she was okay, but now it's pretty much a fact she is dead. It breaks my heart. I'm with the first two answers. This little girl was so bautiful, Casey did not deserve that angel. I think Casey took her to the wooded area and burried her, maybe she burnt her, I'm not too sure about that part.

    Casey has major problems, I hope she confesses soon.

  8. Could be anywhere. You think the guilt would have got to her by now and she would confess. Goes to show how f-ed up she really is.  I don't think it was an accident. If it was she would show some sort of remorse or act like she was upset instead of partying and acting like a w***e.  This story truly makes me sick! As a mother of a 2 year old I can't even imagine her missing, let alone for 30 days and not reporting it. She knows where the body is, she knows she killed her, now hopefully it will all be figured out so that the grandparents can have some peace of mind.  

  9. I think her body isn't even in FL. I think she took her body to another state so no one would know who she was if found....

  10. I have follows this from the very start and it is truly a heart breaking story. As far as where Caylee's body is, I think only time will tell. It could be as mentioned in a swamp or in woods but I do think it will be in a rather obvious place. Thus far I think Casey has showed her intelligence and its not very high, so I highly doubt she would be smart enough to do anything other then obvious. I agree with those who mentioned her boyfriend knowing the facts also. I think when she was in jail she was just a little to eager to find out where he was and to see what he was doing and to talk to him. Its a sad case, and I hope that the family gets the answers they need to heal as soon as possible.

  11. I saw padilla say that on Nancy Grace last night about Anthony's dumpster.

    Confusing though because the equa search guy from Tx who searched for Natalee Holloway accepted the Orange Cty Police dept 5,000 dollar confiscated drug money to contiue with the search in a 3 mile radius of the airport...because he was going to stop yesterday til Orange cty called him.

    Did you also notice Padilla said the car where casey ran out of gas was there are 7 am ...but Anthony says she didnt call him to pick her up til late morning?w groceries in hand?so what was in those bags as Leonard Padilla asked...i would like to know also Anthony i didnt see that statement in police reports.

    I feel as though they feel the body is by the airport in three mile radius like the equui search guy says..(he is going by the PINGS in her cell phone they tell where she was)What else would she be doing out in no mans land alone?

  12. From the start of this case I have thought Casey either killed her or there was a horrible accident.

    She borrowed shovels & stole gas from her parents & sadly I think she used those shovels to dig a shallow grave, put Caylee there & cremated her & covered her remains.

    I hope I am wrong.

    I think it occured near the airport where they found her cell phone pinging off towers & there is a wooded area there.

    Casey has some very serious issues.

  13. I read tonight on local6, "When the FBI, who has got some of the finest labs in the world, comes back (with findings), it is going to shock the world over something Lee, Casey and Cindy have known since Wednesday when they released their preliminary findings," Padilla said. "And also, the Dumpster located a mile and quarter away from the boyfriend Tony's home is going to play a big part in this."

    I'd like to think that Caylee's death was an accident.  Maybe she got into that pool and drowned when Casey wasn't looking, but then, again, maybe grandma is feeding that ladder story to the police to make it look like that in case Caylee is dead.  She just can't stand the thought that Casey killed her, and she might already be subconsciously doing things to protect her.  I don't know that she's really thinking that she better make up that ladder story.  I think that down deep she might have a doubt that she's acting upon even though she's stating that Casey is innocent.  The thought that Casey isn't is too horrible to consider.  Casey knows Caylee isn't alive, and it's a shame that it has to drag out like this.  It hurts the Anthony family so much more than if Casey had just told the truth and faced the consequences.      

  14. Alligators...or dumpster then to landfill....or buried near the airport.

  15. its all strange, but I'm thinking she knows perfectly,  her dads  an x cop the mom  a nurse? something to think about  she knew how to do everything so well,  she  might have burned the body,  they need to look into  timing  cause i believe  they said  casey  was with caylee friday morning the last time seen  from that  time frame  till   the night when  she went to fusion and  the baby was  no longer there  what happened that day?  remember she  had only a couple of hours   to disappear her  then come back get dress and go party , i believe maybe she left her in the trunk after she  came from parting  then she stole her dads cans burned her or maybe someone else  hid caylees body that why casey says she did nothing wrong she believes she is not implicated i  am really sorry for that child poor little girl, god bless her

    anything could have happened  ,  and of course now  the mom knows  caylees gone   and the dad does to  their in denial  and they want to help their  daugther  so they probably told her to stick to the end  with the same things  and so did the brother,  cause the mother  knows medicine the father knows the law and the more  law enforcement leaks out the more  mr baez knows what means he will use in case they want to pin her and hes looking and finding an excuse just in case it come up  in court..  its  going to be a tuff one...  but mr baez is not to blame    after all he is the lawyer..   hope they find caylee soon, it just breaks my heart everyday  im sick to the stomatch..

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