
What do you think Cuba could have been like if there had been no Castro?

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What do you think Cuba could have been like if there had been no Castro?




  1. Same patterns as other Latin American countries. Dictatorship still would've continued, corruption would still be rampant. Depending on the circumstances US might still had good relations with Cuba.

    Over the years probably might have changed into totalitarian and corrupt so called democracy like other countries in the region. I would also say relations with US still would've deteriorated just like other Southern countries.

    The condition highly likely would've been a lot better, Cuba has a lot of potential. At this stage US increasingly needs trade with Cuba. Economy would've been in better shape, but gap between rich and poor would've been very wide just as other countries.

    Still there is nothing like even slight freedom.  

  2. It's already a great tourist destination, except for the US-run corner.

    The Batista clan and followers would rule it as a military dictatorship

  3. It would be dominated by the American Mafia as it was when Batista was in power

  4. I think it would be a great tourist destination. Well developed, good economy.

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