
What do you think? Does She really Like Me or Not? Any Help is appreciated?

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Me and this girl have been talking to each other every day now for about a month. She initiated the conversation to start us talking. Akwardly enough she wanted me to play baseball with her. So, I do and we have a good time and she seems to have a good time. We keep on talking and everything and we meet up at a football game and she stays with me the entire game and leaves her best friend by herself. And she took my keys and without me knowing she snuck into my car and wrote little notes everywhere. She's still in high school and im starting my first year in college. She asked me to come meet her at 1:30 in the morning twice and to go to a birthday party with her. She started texting me at 7:30 in the morning and texting me while she was in school. Then about two weeks ago I told her I liked her.....She said she didnt feel the same way but in time she believes it will change. I couldnt believe it. But, she has continued to text me everyday and call me. It seems to be equal on who starts the conversation. But, she seems to always try to keep the conversation going. And she tells me secrets that she doesnt tell anyone else. Everyone seemed to think she liked me, even her best friend. Shes always real flirty around me. Even though she has said she doesnt like me, why does she continue with talking reguarly? Everyone thinks she likes me but something is holding her back from telling me. And we really didnt talk to each other until the end of June and we really didnt talk alot until around the end of July. And when I dont answer her text messages for like 20 minutes she sends them like 4 or 5 times. Ive had about 900 text mesages since I got my new phone and about 750 to 800 are from her. All of of her friends say that she talks about me non-stop. I even had a one of my friends (without me knowing) ask one of her friends, "hey who does she like?" The answer was a description of me and my last name. Everyone was shocked to learn that she didnt like me. One of my friends suggested that he thinks shes telling me that she doesnt like me, but she does and is trying to see what I would do to make her like me. And one of my friends think that our age may be a hinderance. It just really confuses me and everyone that knows us. I mean why does she continue to talk to me everyday?

What should I do? Does she really like me or not? Im really confused and she says she is, too. Thanks for any help.




  1. She's gotta like you.

    She must have a plan on her mind, about this. Whatever is holding her back, beats me. But she does like you.. Talk to her about it.

  2. She already admits that she's confused, which means that there is probably a lot more going on in her head than she's telling you. Chances are, she does like you - and she is either too scared to take the next step, or your friend is right about her.

    Honestly, I have a feeling that your friend is dead-on, and this girl is just playing hard to get. She wants to make sure that you're 100% interested in her, and willing to do whatever it takes to keep her interested. In other words, she's being a typical girl.

    She's showing all the signs of liking you, so why not play along? When she gets flirty, flirt back. When she texts or calls, keep the conversation going. Prove to her that you enjoy all of the attention - and that you enjoy giving her the attention too.

    Give her some time, and then ask her about it again. If she still refuses to admit that she likes you too, then maybe you should point out all of the mixed signals to her.

    Good luck.

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