
What do you think England will be like in 100 years?

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Duirmuid- racist




  1. The way were going probaly wont even be here but hope it will be better

  2. Like something you would see on Mad Max or read about in 1984.

    It wil be destroyed if something is not done NOW to retain its identity.

  3. A cross between Eurasia and Atlantis.

  4. Part of the corrupt "government" (ie dictatorship) called the EU, and we'd be stuffed with immigrants, half the country will be on benefits, and the other half will be fighting WWIII....

  5. mainly underwater i should think or it will be more than one island seperated by water

  6. I will be looking down and saying.... "well you would not listen to us, so it serves you right "

  7. Well its wont be British thats for sure the indigenous people are being bred out!!!!!!!!!!!


  8. Smaller and a lot wetter due to rising sea levels.

  9. With any luck it won't be here

  10. If Brits don't do something it will be nonexistant. Something read about in some history books.

  11. less of it cause the water is gona rise cause of north pole melting and south    =D

  12. It depends on how brave the govt is in creating a good future.

    Based on recent history, the UK could be a 2nd world country with white british as a small minority. Islam will be accepted as in integrated part of society. Laws and lifestyles will be Islamic. Health standards will be low and the appearance of cities will be mostly slums.

  13. It will not exist in 100 years time, as it is likely to be absorbed into a state long before then.

  14. A worse place to live that it is now.

    What is racist about Duirmuid or his link?

  15. Children will be waiting for the school BOAT to take them to school.

    There will be prayers 5 times a day (Islamic prayers of course) and they will be discussing democracy in History lessons.


    if it keeps going the way it is at the moment.

  17. beaureaucratic

  18. Like Pakistan without the heat...

  19. floating in the Atlantic away from Wales and Scotland

  20. Even more evil, violent, perverted and depraved with even more tv channels and even less reason to live.

  21. Watch the South Park episode about the Goobacks.

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