
What do you think Hillary Clinton thinks about Sarah Palin?

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Patricularly since she evoked her name in her acceptance speech. I don't believe she's said publicly yet what her thoughts are, but do you think she's happy for another female candidate? Or bitter that she used her name although they have such very different views?




  1. Hillary Clinton doesn't think about anyone but Hillary Clinton.

  2. I would guess that Senator Clinton appreciated having her accomplishments recognized with respect, as did Geraldine Ferraro.   In fact, I saw Ms. Ferraro in an interview where she said that this was the first time anyone woman, Democrat or Republican, recognized HER accomplishment as breaking through a male-dominated barrier.  

    I think Sen. Clinton may disagree with most of Gov. Palin's convictions but that doesn't mean that she can't respect her.    

  3. I think Hillary supports Sarah Palin breaking through that glass ceiling. Hillary should be the Democrat candidate but the DNC kicked her to the curb. I would think Hillary will run in 2012 if Obama loses. I don't think Hillary would be bitter. After all, her own DNC did this to her. If she were a Republican, she likely would be the Presidential candidate. Women are respected by Republicans.

  4. Hillary Clinton only thinks of herself and how she stayed on with a cheater and lost anyway.  I love it.

  5. I'm sure she'll let that be known after the Palin speech.

  6. I think she is glad a woman made it and upset it wasn't her.  

  7. Hilary is probably amused that an anti-choice homophobic creationist is supposed to be taking over her votes.

  8. She probably hates her because she is competition down the road.

  9. I think she thinks happy thoughts for the advance of women and also that she might feel some jealousy (after all she is human).

  10. there's no way to know. what she and Bill say and think are two different things.

    For example, they say "we support Obama" but they think "I hope he looses big. Hillary has a chance in 2012 if he looses."

  11. Hillary doesn't like any women, she views them all as competition...I think that Bill helped to enforce that attitude for her, too.

  12. Hilary probably does not think much.  Hilary's main concern is that a Democrat be the next president and VP.  So I'm sure it doesn't phase her.  Why would it anyway?  The way I see it, Hilary may very well run again and win..  

  13. Are you kidding? I guarantee Hillary despises Sarah Palin. Hillary wanted to be the first female POTUS. When Sarah becomes President after McCain dies Hillary will melt like the Wicked Witch of the West!

  14. This HELPS Hillary -- all the way around.

    America's getting used to seeing a Woman in the running for the White House, on both sides of the Dem-Rep. debate.. consideration opens the door for Dem-zealots at that, to say that Obama SHOULD have chosen Hillary (obviously, discounting the food-tasing angle, as to why a person WOULDn't want someone THAT ambitious, nearly Caligula-style.. around...).

    Hillary's legacy is helped -- and she'll simply smile with the mouses' tail in her lips, that this candidacy is "good for America" when she means, good for Hillary.

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