
What do you think? How bad was it that the date didn't go well?

by  |  earlier

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So if a guy that I have been on 5 dates with texts me to say yes we can talk on the phone (b/c I asked him if we could talk) and then he text messages me again later and says "Plans changed- I am going downtown to listen to live music with friends, you can call 2morrow while I am at work anytime" I should tell you the date we went on this weekend was no that fabulous, we couldn't think of anything to talk about. I really like this guy. We couldn't think of much to talk about b/c it been weeks since we last saw each other b/c of his vacation and we have been communicating a lot via e-mail and text so it was hard to transition back to face to face interaction. I called him tonight like he said I could and I got his voice mail. What do you think? How bad was it that the date didn't go well? He's divorced so I am thinking he knows what he wants and doesn't want in a woman and can weed me out pretty quick, but that may be my insecurity talking).




  1. Who cares what he wants worry about what you want. You should spend one day following him around secretly to see whats hes up to.

  2. If you called and left a message, I would try one more time, if he does not respond then write him off and move on.

  3. Wrong section !!

    You need the dating section...

  4. If it was one bad date and the other four were great then I doubt he would be so quick to just blow you off.  Here is the thing though - why is he giving you permission to call him at certain times?  He needs to be calling YOU.  Pull back a bit and see what happens.  If he doesn't pursue you, it's not worth your time.

  5. And such is the backlash of the electronic world of communication.

    Had you stuck to a phone (and not for texting, which is moronic and a waste of effort anyway) and discussed things instead of typing letters is a phone the date may have been better.

    Depending upon computers, texting, et al now places you in a position where you can't read body language, pick up on subtle movements and comments and in essence, removes the thrill of seduction and flirting from the physical plane.

    Ahhh...for the old days. Too bad you missed 'em kid.  

  6. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't good.

    these things happens

  7. If after 5 dates you have nothing to talk about I would say thats a sign that you 2 are not a good match. Dont let it get you down though.

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