
What do you think I am having?

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My mother in law and my mother think that I am having a girl (but I have not told them that I am pregnant). But I have 4 boy already. I had a dream that I did a test and that is was a boy. I did the Chinese Lunar calender and it say girl but it was only right with my first 2 boys It said that the last 2 were going to be a girl also. So what do you think?




  1. I think it's a girl

  2. if you belly is round it will be a girl

    if its pointy and oval then it is a boy...

  3. Boy! same thing with my mother she had 5boys before a girl came!

  4. either a boy or girl

  5. I'm going to say boy! Everyone I know who used the Chinese Lunar calender this year (including me) was the opposite of what it said! lol.

    Happy guessing!

  6. The Lunar calender was wrong for me too.  I hope you get what you want, and a healthy baby either way.  Congrats.

  7. I say girl, but if you tell me your age and month you conceived I would check it for you

  8. Since you have 4 already I am going to guess its a boy!  

  9. dreams can sometimes be dreams but I've had a few dreams that happend the next day... yes, creepy.

  10. Boy. :)

    Hope You Baby Is Born Healthy And Happy:);...

    Could You Have A Look??


  11. Sasquatch

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