
What do you think? I am stunned by what was chosen as best answer to this...?

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Do you think young girls should be subjected to virginity tests? I cannot imagine putting my daughter through something like that. If I can't communicate with her, who can?

What are your thoughts on the results and your opinion in general about this?




  1. i like flamingo's.

  2. It seems like the asker to the original question was just looking for someone to validate her reasoning to perform this bizarre test on her daughter, since the only answer that agreed that it was a good idea was the one she chose as best answer.  

    I think that is just a horrible thing to do to your kid.

  3. There are some great Q&A troll acts in the religion section, too.

  4. yeah i do think we live in a time where virginity holds no value and moral standards including the view on s*x have deffinelty gone down a LOT. but i dont think things like that are really gonna help. in suburban neighboorhoods it might but, not really anywhere else. i guess it could help but how has s*x hurt. unless ur to stupid to use protection and not pull out. and if u have a std u should be put in prision for spreading it like u can with aids

  5. The woman who wrote that sounds a bit pervy to me, seriously, what kind of person thinks it's ok for children to be forced to take their clothes at and have their privates peered at??

  6. wow I find that shocking...

    are they too stupid to realize that a hymen can be broken in many more ways than s*x?  riding a boys bicycle and falling on the bar can even break a hymen.  that is ridiculous.

  7. 2 Christians getting chummy with each other.

    Virginity tests are a stupid idea, IMHO.

    They violate the girl's right to privacy, for one thing.

    And I am concerned what sanctions might be applied to those who fail.

  8. You're surprised that two male trolls (one of them a frequent visitor) got together to provide themselves with a little fetish fun?

    Stick around here, you'll unfortunately see plenty more like it.

    That's what they do, it substitutes for serious discussion in any form.

    General opinion ~ The whole question was a load of sick puppy control fantasy cr@p worthy of the staunchest FLDS adherents and the mother's-basement dwellers planning to launch anti-woman day sometime soon.

    Think about it ~ these are guys who wear female avatars online to harrass women. Imagine what their personal lives are like.

    On second thought ... don't. Yergh.

    Cheers :-)

  9. <Runs to bathroom> Excuse me I need to vomit.

  10. On here the choice of best answer os up to the asker in most cases.

    I do not agree with Patois that this virginity testing thing is some sort of Christian conspiracy, though the Bible Belt conservatives in the US do make it hard not to be labelled as a nutter when I say I am Christian.  Fortunately, such idiocy does not exist here.  In the UK it is more likely to be social engineers, usually left-wing, who want to run a Nanny-state where everything is policed and checked at every turn.

    Anyone who approaches my daughter (if I ever have one) or one of my female students had better be prepared to lose major parts of their bodies, male or female, and I will seek out any government minister who would orchestrate such an abhorrent practice, and do socially unacceptable things to them, preferebly involving Molotov cocktails or sticking them head first into a bucket of leeches.

    Same goes for enforcing chastity belts on boys or the even worse chemical castration.

  11. I don't think Molly is a troll.

    She doesn't talk like one; but the best answerer is either a troll or just has very different ideas o_0

    Also, i had heard the idea posted in this question as a feminist idea.

    As someone above said, you shouldn't be so scared about it \:, really this is not but a stupid idea that the government will not pay for that useless, ugly, stupid thing, that nobody cares of or wants.

    1stClassWoman-Not2ndRateFeminist it's KINDA trolly, but i actually thing that she's a woman with weird ideas.

  12. I think we can now say that idiots are alive and well and breeding!

  13. People like them are not here to be challenged but have their warped views confirmed. That's why the most educated posters here get blocked.

  14. Get with the times, the feminst brag about giving 10 year old girls birth control and abortions without parental consent.

  15. i think the person who asked that question was just looking for the answer SHE wanted. if a parent is so worried about it they can take their own kid to a gynecologist

  16. Yours and The Mrs.'s were the best answers, in my opinion, on that question out of many sane and good answers.  But, neither the issue of not righteously being chosen and recognized for contributing an excellent well-thought answer nor the issue of the dishonable behavior of people asking questions only to reward validation is what you are stunned about.  You are simply stunned in the face of such utter stupidity and craven lower level of consciousness and belief as a parent harming his or her children in such a way and that there could be AGREEMENT about that.

    Social pressures forcing "political correctness" keep such dregs of humanity under their rocks.  They are really there, though, lurking always like vermin, attempting to exploit or prey upon the weak in the name of some god or holier-than-thou magical-cognition kinky-stinky belief system.  They come out on the Internet emboldened by presumed anonyminity.  That's why women, of course, know feminism is still needed.  That's why Black organizations and political action groups remain well-funded because ALWAYS they must remain vigilant against the lowlifes.  

    I am a child advocate and I know what the lowlifes do to prey on children in a billion ways, mealy-mouthed frequently "good Christian" types who do horrible things to children in their weirdo paradigms.  These "Purity Balls" and "Jesus Camps" and parents ever even remotely considering "virginity" tests are like big-time sick and I hope their children survive psychologically enough to know to press charges and file civil suits against their parents when they reach 18 years old.  As always, people under 18 years old should tell a school teacher, a doctor, a nurse or the police about anything that may be harming them or frightening them or making them sad in their families and homes.

  17. Feminist: 1


    This is yet proof why the unitelligent join forces against a movement that does nothing but good.  I say these crazies can not only keep their hands out of my uterus but now they can keep it out of my daughters.  If I had some twisted idea of having my child tested (and I wouldn't) I could just go to a gyno... Thats not what school is for.  Why do these people insist on banning together to turn this back into the bad ol' days...

  18. They are both trolls.  For my opinion refer to the question you linked.

  19. First of all it would be impossible to know for sure because girls hymens tear through use of tampons and just on their own sometimes.  So, alot of girls would be accused of doing something that they didn't do.  I would never put my daughters through such a test.

  20. while i don't agree with "hymen test" that violate a girl's privacy, more parents should try to have open dialogue with their kids about the dangers of s*x. if more people had honest discussions with their kids they will learn that you can get pregnant despite what your friends tell you and that s.t.d.'s are very real. people prefer to bury their heads in the sand than to be straight forward.

  21. Hymen can be broken while masturbating, or even falling hard can break it.

    Whats the point of this test? To find out if a girl sexed up a classmate?

    Who cares? As long as she uses protection i dont see the harm???

    He Blocks Those: a movement that does "nothing but good"?

    You really think that so many men and women would have a problem with a movement if it did "nothing but good"?

    Chew on that for a few minutes

  22. There's no way that question was posted by a female!!!

    It was posted by some sicko control-freak self-appointed cult leader trying to recruit easily-persuaded numnuts.

  23. It i utterly insane because these girls are going to tell people if they aren't virgins. Suddenly it has become a fad to have s*x VERY young. We don't need virgin tests, we need to make kids be proud to be virgins!

  24. virginity tests are considered violations of human rights. but certainly conservatives, right wingers, etc.  would see the "value" in them.

    there have been horrendous "answers" on Y/A...they can get far worse. i have been stunned more times than i care to remember!

  25. Silly idea besides what is done cannot be undone.This parent just wanted to validate her own behavior If she asked her girls at all she did not believe them and needs a test?.I can't see her kid ever trusting her if they  did have a problem or asking for information or their feelings or values on the subject..the best they can do is grow up and leave home.

  26. That is completely insane! What's next, chastity belts? Why not just lock girls in tall stone towers until marriage? Or here's a crazy idea: why not educate girls to make responsible decisions?

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