
What do you think? I need some help Please! My period is 19 days late! Why?

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My period has been extremely normal for the past 2 years. Now it is 19 days late and I don't know why.

I ovulated on July 9 and then started a workout routine almost a week after ovulation occurred (july 14). The routine I started is 30 minutes every other day, at curves. I'm not exactly inactive and the work out is not hard for me at all. I have not lost any weight so far.

My period should have come on July 23 and it hasn't shown up yet. I took a pregnancy test on August 6 (when my period was 2 weeks late) and it came out negative. I haven't tested since then. I am having a few symptoms but I don't know if they are pregnancy symptoms or something else, but here they are.

1. Tender nipples: I usually get sore nipples right before AF comes, but these have lasted almost a week and that's a lot longer than they last when I'm anticipating AF.

2. Frequent urination: I'm using the bathroom about twice an hour.

3. Heartburn: I can't get rid of it. It's not uncommon for me to have it, but never this bad and this frequent.

4. Tired all the time: I cannot keep my eyes open. I haven't changed my sleeping habits at all. But then again it could be my mattress maybe..

5. Severe 'hot flashes': that sounds funny, but I don't know how else to describe them. I'll be find and then all of a sudden I feel overheated. I am only 20 years old so I know for sure it's not early menopuase. I don't know if this is a pregnancy sign or not but it is unusual for me.

I haven't had any cravings or actual throwing up. But, I do start to feel sick more often.

My husband is convinced that I am pregnant but my tests keep coming back negative and I don't want to call the doctor for a blood test (I pass out at the sight of needles). I know I need to make an appointment but I wanted some other opions for you wonderful women first. Thank you in advance!




  1. Ok this is really weird symptom! Go to the doctor. They're the ones with the right answers!

  2. sounds like your pregnant you have all the signs.. make sure your taking the test as directed. Mornings are the best time for urine tests.. but if your still getting negatives and you want to know for sure just go to the doctor. Just get the blood test and the doctor can check out why your late and why you have these symptoms if your not pregnant.

  3. It sounds to me like you are busy trying to convice yourself that you're not preganant.  Take a Clear Blue... I have found them to be the most accurate.  Take it when you first wake up in the morning.  BTW you don't experience nausea until 2  months into the pregnancy.  All of your symptoms scream, "I'M PREGNANT!!!!!!"

  4. some illnesses can also cause a late or missed period or not eating right  

  5. I know that needles suck, LoL, but if you keep getting negatives over the next couple of days then I would go ahead and set up an appointment for a blood test. Good luck and baby dust to you!

  6. you should be able to do a home pregnancy test at home and get accurate results by now. also it might be your new workout that just delaying your period, you might be losing calories n your body needs to be use to it. hope this helped. good luck.

  7. Hi!  Do you know that you ovulated on that day, or is that when you normally ovulate?  If you're not charting, it may be hard to tell.  If you ovulated, there may be a problem with your prolactin or thyroid hormone that you need to get checked out.  I had an issue like that once and they checked my hormone levels at the doctor.  You are having symptoms that could be pregnancy symptoms, but it's hard to tell if your tests are coming back negative.  Good luck!

  8. i think its time to vist the doctor and get a better test b/c u showing signs of be pregnant

    *good luck*

  9. I'm afraid you're going to have to bite the bullet and go in for a blood test.  At this point it's the only way you're going to know for sure.

  10. Sounds like a real possibility you're pregnant. The only way to know for sure will be a blood test. I understand your reluctance because I also hate needles. Good luck, and hope you're pregnant, if that's what you want!!

  11. Test again... im pretty sure your pregnant.. the first time you test it wasnt probably enough hcg on your urine thats why it show negative.

    Test one more time and if id negative call your doctor ASAP

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