
What do you think? I need your input...?

by  |  earlier

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I have a 28 day cycle and my last period started on July 30.. meaning i'm currently about 3 days late. I took a test the day before my period was supposed to start ($ store one) and it was a BFN. I've been having mild low cramps, cm (which usually stops right before i'm about to start), and sore b*****s/nipples. I'm really trying to hold off on taking a test because I want to see a strong BFP if this is the month. =) My question is, have any of experienced this and gotten a BFP? And if so, how long before you did?

Thanks to you all in advance.




  1. i got a positive after my period was 4 days late.I found the cheap preg tests don't give a positive reading early or its very faint.

  2. i think you should give it about a week and if you dont start then go ahead and get tested. the reason as to why i say to give it one more week is because this started happening to me a few months ago and now i always get my period late  

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