
What do you think I should do? 2 Bachelor Degrees? Read my situation!?

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Here is my situation: I graduated from Westwood College (which is Nationally accredited) but is a candidate for Regional accreditation. My future goal is to get into graduate school, but if my current degree from Westwood is not regionally accredited, then my degree won't count. If it does get accredited, I have a chance of getting into grad school with a high GRE/GMAT score.

Path #1: Stick with my Bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice Westwood degree and continue to work as a restaurant manager, while achieving business certificates, hope that Westwood gets regional accreditation, then apply to grad school?


Path #2: Spend an additional 2 years getting another Bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited school (which is well known) while continuing to work in my related field as a supervisor, then apply to graduate school.

Overview: I still owe money to student loans, and if I go to school for another degree, I will owe even more.




  1. path #3

    Apply for grad school at American Military University which is regionally accredited but will allow a nationally accredited bachelor's for admission.

    Do well enough at AMU in a master's of your choice that you can get into a second master's at a school of your choice.

  2. Path#1 is a wise decision. Have a great day!

  3. Unfortunately, you cannot get financial aid for a second bachelors degree, even in a different field.  You can get a deferment on the students loans, generally, but cannot get new money.  This is the problem with private, for-private tech schools like this one--they do their servants a great disservice.  

    Find out when the accreditation of Westwood will be settled, and then that can help you decide.  If it's one year, I would wait it out--the fact that they provisional accred. is a good sign.  If there are any other pre-requisites you need for graduate school, perhaps you can continue to work on that while you are waiting.  I do not think you should start a second bachelors before you know the outcome.  

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