
What do you think I should do??

by  |  earlier

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Ok so this guy that I have liked for a really long time asked me out a couple months ago. We have been going out for a while now and have really enjoyed each other's company. Then I found out the only reason that he asked me out was because of a bet. Him and his friends has this thing going that who ever got a date with the first girl they spotted first wins. Now I'm hurt because the only reason he asked me out in the first place was because of the stupid bet! And he didn't have the guts to tell me...I heard it from one of my friends who is friends with his best friend. So then when I told him that I knew about the bet, and that I was upset that he didn't tell me, he didn't say he was sorry. So that made me more mad. Should I break up with him? Do you think he would continue to go out with me just because of the bet? Or do you think he wouldn't have asked me out again if he really didn't like me? HELP!!! Thanks.




  1. break up with him, love you or not, hes a jerk then :P

  2. Even though he did something wrong, perhaps he really does care about you. You need to have a conversation with him in order to discuss the problem thoroughly without letting your temper get in the way. The bet only required that he go on one date with you, but he has continued to go out with you, so there might be something else going on.

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