
What do you think I should wear to impress a girl?

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should I wear jeans and an open neck shirt or just a t-shirt. do girls like to see guys in an open neck shirt?




  1. I like guys that wear V-neck shirts. Amazinggg.  

  2. a guy who doesn't try to hard and is himself is what impresses girls so stop worrying about your clothes

  3. girls like cute like sport team stuff

    like football shirts and stuff makes them look like they have lots of muscle lol,

    I got opinions and they like the collar up?

  4. I think guys look HOT with skinny jeans and collar up

    i hope i answered your question!!

  5. yeah girls like the open neck shirt (button ups, Polo's) because if you wear a tee shirt your just like any other guy who puts what ever is clean on! with the open neck it shows you care more about your appearance then the others do and girls WILL appreciate this!

    also don't try to hard show your a FUN guy just try to be happy and even if your not just SMILE alot and you will be in for a big change in your life lol get some good cologne and your golden

  6. Oooh, maybe some skinny jeans with sum vans, and a t-shirt, HOT

    It all depends on the girls's taste in clothes.  

  7. whats hot to me is jeans and like a dressy but not to dressy shirt couple buttons undone and sleeves rolled up to the shoulder.Little country I know.

  8. Depends on the girl.  A t-shirt is more sporty.  An open neck more preppy.  

  9. Depends on the girl. You should look at what she wears (you might be able to tell a little about what kind of style she likes) and see what looks best on yourself. Some guys look really hot in button ups and some guys look better in casual shirts. Depends on the guy and the girl. Just don't go for a V neck, it makes you look like a stereotypical g*y. If you have a bubbly personality I wouldn't go for a button up shirt though cause it might make you look a bit like a fruit. I accidentally thought my guy friend was g*y when I first met him because of his demeanor plus the button up open collared shirt. Haha.

  10. ya it depends if she more layed back maybe a t-shirt and jeans or if shes preppy a polo instead. idk but i hope this helped

  11. nothing


    LOL im playing

    wear something nice

    but personality and charm countts

  12. Go nude.

  13. Depends on what you look good in. Some guys just look fruity with open neck shirts. =( I'm perfectly fine with guys wearing t-shirts, so I guess just wear whatever you look better in lol.

  14. wear a banana suit or a chicken one. lol. that would impress me. funny guys are hot.

    answer mine plz!?;...

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