
What do you think? I was reading an account of the battle of Edgehill [English civil war] the other day, and?

by Guest58003  |  earlier

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apparently, Charles1 was all for marching with the troops, but his generals had to persuade him to retire to high ground at the rear so that he could view the battle in safety. This he did [very unwillingly], question is are we seeing history repeating itself with todays present ruling elite?




  1. Are we talking of Harry [too precious to loose] Winsor?

  2. I see now you are answering your own questions.Well done Loris.

  3. History often repeats itself.

    "We learn from history that we learn nothing from history." George Bernard Shaw

    "Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it." George Santayana

    best of luck to you!

  4. Since when was George Bush ever willing to march with his troops ?

  5. yes

    there are theory's that war is where old men send young men so that they(the old men) get rid of the younger competition

  6. yes,

    it`s easy to start or become involved in unjust wars if you don`t personally have to fight in them.

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