
What do you think I will act like when I'm drunk?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so yes I have asked this question before but I didn't get hardly any answers. I am usually a very chill girl and very shy and quiet around people I don't know well. When I'm around friends and family I'm more outgoing and sarcastic. I have never been drunk before but I just wanted to know what I might act like. Do any of you act like me when you are sober? If so what do you act like when your drunk. If you have any funny experiences about when you were drunk please share I would love to hear!!! Thank you all in advance.




  1. I hope you're not going to drink with the intention of getting drunk. Why would you want to? To see what happens? I'll tell you what happens: you laugh a lot and talk a lot and you forget half of everything that happened. You might even drink TOO much and puke all night and forget everything. What fun!

  2. haha...funny question :-)

    I act like you when I am sober. When I have had a couple drinks, I am more open and talk a lot more...basically act like I am around friends when I am talking to strangers. I have never been REALLY drunk though...just had a couple drinks. I also tend to love everyone and hit on guys more when I am drinking (this can be a not so good thing...haha).

  3. It is different for everyone. It does not matter your personality at all. The only way to find out is to get drunk.

  4. you wouldnt know, u cant predict just by judging on ur daily emotions.

    the ONLY way i guess is to get drunk

    btw when i get drunk i become very violent and start scolding people around me, punching the tree(yes the tree!)

  5. No way to predict how some one is going to be from drinking.  It does remove your inhibitions which isn't always a good thing.  I love to dance and laugh and think every one is my best friend.  Then someone shows me a picture or two from the previous night..  OMG did I really do that?

  6. ummm.everyone i sdifferent when they get could be shy sober and the loudest person at the part ty when you are drunk or you could still be kinda quiet...but usually everyone gets louder when they are drunk....they do stupid $hit that they would never do sober....but you will most likely come outta ur shell even to people you barely careful when you get drunk for the first time...mabey take it easy and dont drink to much...lioke to the point where you black out...done that b4 kinda scary....cause you could make a complete a$$ outta urself if you are not when you drink the first time you can just see what your reaction to alcohol will be...i mean i get kinda loud...btu i am loud when i am sober....sooo it just makes me a little more loud anmd more spontanious....i usually do some stupid $hit....the craziest thing that i have ever done was .....welll acually i was drunk and i had smoked a joint or two...but it was the middle of winter and me and my friends were at this river near our my house and i took off all my clothes and jump in....stupid to do....but i got right out and it shocked the he11 outta my lungs cause it was freezing but i was good...soo good luck,....get drunk it is fun....the first time may SUCK the day after but once you learn your limits and what makes you happy itll be great...once again i will say the first time you get drunk dont over do will either make a complete a$$ outta urself or get really sick....but i am all for gettin fu*kin trashed once you are comfortibale with doing that....

  7. my girlfriend does, and well she acts like she does arround family and friends no matter how is arround and is even more open.

  8. i become very open, honest, and funny. i'll rag on myself if i have to, i just want the people around me to have a good time.  I'm usually always honest n funny, but i get very talkative when drinking.  people love it though, i know when to tone it down. just make sure you're in the right drinking crowd. some people i hang with have shorter fuses for my actions, then you end up arguing or apologizing all night to them for the tiniest comments....

  9. I too am shy at times and fun and lively at others. Add alcohol- and I just want to make out with people! I don't go out much anymore.

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