
What do you think? Interior decorators needed!?

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We just bought a new house and I have a home office. I'm thinking I'm going to go with a modern Paris theme and paint all 4 walls with a silver grey color and then splatter one of the walls with red black and white paint. I have a black desk that will go against the splattered wall and above it I thought I would hang 3 8x10 black and white wedding photos. I'm not sure about this...I just kind of designed/made this up in my head and I wanted a second opinion or MORE IDEAS! Thanks! Feel free to redesign if you have an awesome idea for a home office! 10 points for best answer!




  1. That sounds awesome...really good idea.

    I love the splatter idea that's going to look really neat.

    I wouldn't hang the wedding pictures on the splattered wall as i feel it might

    1) clash

    2) be a little too much, considering that your other walls will be empty, I'd focus on them instead.

    splatter painting techniques :

    I'd focus on getting white/silver accessories for the rest of your work area. They will contrast against a black desk and the grey walls.

    A red modern computer chair could look really neat in this kind of decor.

    example :

    A metallic drawer unit would be practical + very fitting...the industrial look would go really well with the paint splatter

    Good luck!

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