
What do you think? Is he cheating?

by  |  earlier

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My boyfriend and i have been together for about 4 months. Everything is great when we are together. but when he goes home to visit his family in california, i feel like hes gonna cheat on me. i don't have any real reason that he would, but i cant get the thought off my mind. I think its because i am nothing like any other girl he has dated. They are all hispanic girls from cali and im a white girl from we have differences. but why do i feel this way?




  1. You must figure out what is making you feel so insecure. Is it you?.. u know, any bad experiences? or anything like that? you may have your own trust issues. But then again.. it could be him. He could be doing something that makes you feel this way, you may not even know it. Your first instinct says a lot, I wouldn't ignore it. Sooo.. like I said you MUST figure this out. Trust is the foundation of every relationship. Good luck, and I truly hope this helps.

  2. Well he wanted to go out with u for a reason. Y would u doubt him.

    Trust is really important. And if he does cheat on you (which he's not) he doesn't deserve u.

  3. you should trust that he wont do that to you and who cares what race you are appently he likes you for who you are and not your race so you appently dont have a lot of trust in this relationship!!! sory but i mean really!!

  4. actually he IS cheating on you with me.....sorry

  5. First of all, If knows how freakin RACIST you are, he might be cheating and making fun of you the whole time (I would). But most likely you're just letting your insecurities get the best of you.

  6. U are insecure about urself. U think that other girls are better than U and he would find someone else when he is not around U. U need to solve them personal issues before dating.

  7. well if I AM Supposed to answer this question i would never trust my guy that's becoz i cheat around alot ..

  8. its natural to feel that way, but just push it to the back of your mind bc if you dont you will ruin your relationship, if he has given you no reason then trust him

  9. You need to trust him, without trust there can't be a relationship. And like everyone said, if you keep acting this way your going to push him away. But your suspicions are natural, I think every girl is worried of losing they're bf. I think it would be pretty messed up if he cheats on you while visiting his family!  

  10. u just have to trust him if there is no trust why are u two going out in the first  place

    do not think that just believe his going back to u and that matters only

  11. In my honest opinion.... you don't trust him. When you're in a relationship you have to trust the one you're with. If it was REAL love, you wouldn't worry about those things but if it has happened in your previous relationship it's normal. You just don't wanna get hurt again. Trust him.

  12. I don't know but if you don't change you will drive him away

  13. Hmm... he really must be cheating on you ssince you have no real reason to suspect him or even no evidence. Yeah!! I bet he is cheating on you and it is not your imagination.

  14. I don't think it has anything to do with you being white and them being hispanic. I think deep down inside you know that he's going to cheat.

  15. You feel this way because you love him, and you know that he is very attractive so you know girls are going to be going after him.  You love him with a great compassion where you dont want anything to happen with him, like getting in a car crash, getting mugged, and especially cheating on another girl.  you have to ask him and see if you trust him and if he trusts you

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