
What do you think? Is he straight?

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This guy makes eye contact with me all the time! When he had a girlfriend (broke up, lasted about a month), he make eye contact with me while they were hugging! He does act kinda g*y... Is he?




  1. cant tell right now if u like him try to show it to him very little like walk pass him and see if he stares

  2. Clearly from him looking into your eyes so much he is trying to erase your're just being paranoid.

  3. He may be bi

  4. not enough information about the person to make a judgment call. but the chances look good! Does he know you are g*y? Lots of people are not sure of themselves to "come out" and they keep trying to fit into the world that they are expected to fit into. Maybe the girl is a cover up so people will not know. Why don't you ask him to go hang out sometime? Let him make the first move. But above all, respect his shyness to come out until he is ready. It's not an easy life is it? My son is a cop and his mate is in Iraq as a medic. Good manly men! And they are so in love.

  5. prlly

  6. When you think that someone is making eye contact with you, it is very often wishful thinking on your part.

    I have often watched someone and thought that she is acknowledging me, then when I go to talk to her, I get the cold shoulder. So I do not read too much into eye contact. The other person might be looking at you because you are looking at him.

  7. Hard to say but it is possible. If nothing else could be bicurious. I know I don't hug mine while making eye contact with anyone else.

  8. Thats tricky a question to answer because you can mistake his eye contact for just being a very observant person. Plus, when people stare at other people, generally, people stare back.

    The same situation happened to me. This guy at school, who had a girlfriend, always seemed to make eye contact with me. I never once gave him a reason to look. So, a couple times I would catch him sometimes quickly glancing at me. Anyways, I never took it seriously nor did I choose to seek out the truth. But I always wondered....he was kinda cute though.

    Good luck.

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