
What do you think Jimmy Neutron sees in his two friends?

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As a scientist of course.




  1. They are all outcasts and misfits of a sort. So it is natural that they would bond together and be friends. They remind me of my friends back when I was a boy genius.

  2. they are probably the only 2 people with the torerance to listen to him.

  3. He sees them as a devoted fan club. He has higher intelligence and can easily dominate the relationship. They don't challenge him to do anymore than he wants to do. His own ego is fragile as he seeks to constantly impress these friends with his superior skills. We also see from the interaction with other (smarter) kids that he is frequently dejected when they don't find his inventions as wondrous as the idiots do. If Jimmy were to hang with his true peers (super kid genius club) then he might find that his skills average at best. This is not acceptable to his ego so he hangs with those who are easily impressed.

    It's also a form of social self ostracism to isolate ones self to a social group that is already disadvantaged (in this case by being morons) so that you can avoid your own social group where more might be expected. We see this often in the white guy from the burbs walking around like he's a gangsta from the hood and associating with the black crowd or in hot chicks going goth. High schools are packed with kids doing this sort of thing.

    Eventually he'll either find some friend who can keep up and can even lift him up or he'll spend the rest of his life trying to impress idiots and never leave his parents yard (the lab is not really in their basement).

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