
What do you think Karen Matthews would have spent the money on if they'd pulled off the scam...?

by  |  earlier

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If by some miracle they had pulled off this ludicrous scam, and had been awarded, lets say £50k from the maddie fund, what would they have spent it on...?? Booze and f**s...??

What baffles me even more, is if they had gotten away with it, what would have become of Shannon....??

I suspect they were hoping the whole thing would be forgotten about, and Shannon could return home to enjoy their new found wealth!!

These people are the SCUM of our society, our country is going down the pan due to a rise in bone-idle benefit bum's!

Its only going to get worse i'm afraid, what are your thoughts on these people ..??




  1. hi i totally agree , they really didnt think it through did they ,they are the scum of the earth and sadly the kids will bare the brunt of all these lies and deceit more than the so called parents , i just feel sorry for the kids , the rest can rot in h**l thats the least they deserve,x

  2. absolutely disgusting low life pond scum! pathetic....

    but now poor little girl has lost her family, didn't think of that though did they.... oh i forgot they wasn't capable of thinking that far ahead.

  3. I have no idea, nor do I suspect does anyone other than Karen Matthews.

  4. A face lift to make her look about 10 for her pervy boyfreind.

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