
What do you think? MCCAIN ND PALIN?

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mccain and his own vp has differnt view on issue...


Palin: Favors oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, a proposal championed by some Republicans but narrowly blocked by opponents in Congress.

McCain: Opposes oil drilling in ANWR, though he now favors some offshore drilling after years of opposing it.


Palin: Opposes abortion rights, favoring a complete ban on abortion except when a doctor determines that the mother's life would end if the pregnancy continued.

McCain: Opposes abortion rights, though he would allow more exceptions than Palin, in cases of rape or incest


Palin: Has said she does not believe global warming is caused by man. "A changing environment will affect Alaska more than any other state, because of our location," Palin recently told Newsmax, an Internet news site. "I'm not one though who would attribute it to being manmade."

McCain: Says man has contributed to global warming, and led the Senate effort to cap greenhouse gas emissions. "Climate change, my friend, I have to tell you with all due respect, is real. It's real and the question is how do we address it," McCain said in July. "Suppose I'm wrong and there's no such thing as climate change. All we've done is give our kids a cleaner planet. But suppose I'm right and we do nothing? Then what kind of a planet do we hand off to our kids and our grandkids?"





  1. Again, Amen.  It just shows the horrible judgment of McCain.  He has absolutely no real common beliefs with this woman, but she's a woman.  Well, there ya go!  That's exactly what he wanted.  He wanted something to pander to women and pander to the base of wacko far right overly religious christians.

    They only thing that they do believe is that if you try and scare people enough, then you'll win.  They do not know how to do anything else other than attempt to smear their opponents, and frighten the h**l out of the population.  They never say anything new.  9/11, 9/11, 9/11.  Wake up!!!  That is not what people are concerned about anymore.  They are an old, tired, prejudiced, angry group who can only shout insults because they have no original thoughts of their own.  Palin just proved that more than anything today.  All they can do is take jabs at the set for Obama's acceptance, comment about the media, throw around 9/11, say that God is on their side.  I have a feeling God wouldn't be ok with people blatantly lying about other people, regardless of who they are.  Cons, get ready to get knocked off your high horses.  America is through with your BS and your games!!

  2. I don't care about your little liberal spin I like the ticket they are going to kick some democratic *** in november I can't wait

  3. McCain picked a WACKO conservative fundy.

    I don't get it.

    I don't like the man, but picking someone that is so ignorant to reality.

    Bad Choice.

    It gave about 40% of the Independents back to Obama.

  4. Well, think of this: If McCain is elected, Sarah Palin will be the next President, most likely in 2012 because if McCain is elected this time it will only mean that the Democrats are finished as a major party. If they cannot beat the Republicans when they are so far down that even many Republicans are leaving the Party, the Democrats might as well hang it up. They will be history like the Wigs!

  5. 1. OIL DRILLING: Refuge (shelter or protection from danger or distress)

       Is there a ligament reason why it was ever labeled refuge?

    2. ABORTION: Abortion is a religious issue, there's no religion in are constitution.

    3. GLOBAL WARMING: Ether true or false, but what's wrong with caring for the planet we all live in?

    So what they have there own thoughts and a political strategy to

    flatter wider groups of potential voters, sounds like a smart move frankly.

  6. You don not want an exact double in there , They check and balance each other it wont be the first time that President and Vice president had apposing views , look what we have on another ticket. A man with socialist ideals and muslim ties and a man with a criminal record and pending investigations.  

  7. they can.  Him picking her was a tactic.  Not based on her qualifications.  Her speech let us know that she is not ready to be the president if something should happen to McCain.  Which it very well could given his age and health issues.

  8. About time someone wants to bring more jobs here and start tapping our own resources.

    Gas prices are one of the crippling things we are dealing with in the current shaky economy.  


    If we drill our own while we also explore alternative energy, we can keep gas prices in check.

    If gas prices are in check, the cost of transporting food is down.

    If the cost of transporting food is down, the price of grocieries go down.

    Palin is not all about oil.. she is realistic in the fact we need to tap our own resources while we build up alternative energy sources so we can eventually over the years rid ourselves of the dependance of foreign oil.

    It's a realistic plan!

    God Bless Sarah Palin.

  9. that is only 3 things and politicians must change their minds to get the people's attention, but the fact remains that he did this as a way to close the deal on the election, not because they completely agree and it sounds like it's working.

  10. sounds like  McSame and plain to me

  11. I am glad they do not agree....because G-d forbid they get elected at least they are not both complete nut cases.  He just picked her because she was a female and could rally the far, far right. She is just there for show.....a trophy VP.  

  12. Idiotic, Old-Fashioned, Gun-Toting Redneck Traditionalists who believe their beliefs are superior and should be followed to the letter by the masses as they know best

    Obama is what the USA needs right now - Change, Growth, Hope, Optimism, Real Strategies to help out people willing to help themselves


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