
What do you think Martin Luther King reaction would be to Black people of today?

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I really think he would be ashamed of black culture. To work so hard towards the advancement of black people through non-violent means and eloquent speech to have black culture subverted to being ghetto and speaking "ebonics" and gang violence. It's also sad that most black males think that the only way to get out of the ghetto is through sports, music, or crime.




  1. be careful or some one will report you for your beliefs

  2. I think he'd have to give another one of his "I have a dream" speeches...

  3. that was episode of the boondock's, mlk was just in a comma and woke up present time and it was exactly as u described it

  4. i see what u mean. but u shouldn't look down on "black" people or culture as you describe it just because they are labelled  as bad people by media and society.

  5. I say that he'd be happy because regardless of whether people think we're violent, stupid, or ghetto, we're still free from Jim Crow laws. That was his dream!

  6. I agree.  I also agree with the Boondocks comment as I was going to relate to it more until I read it in your's.

    I greatly admire Martin Luther King, Jr. and think he was one of the greatest figures in all of American history.  He was like a modern day Jesus, spreading peace, love, and equality.  Unfortunatly, after his demise, the more outspoken blacks tend to be a bit more racist than they should be.

    I know few black people personally, but a couple I know are very intelligent and one has a pretty good job.  I only bring it up because of the "...most black males think that the only way to get out of the ghetto is through sports, music, or crime" comment.  Anyone who puts forth enough effort can become something great.  So long as they give it their all.

  7. I think he would be disappointed a little for the idea of "ebonics" and being ghetto, but more so of the fact that people are still offended by profane language, such as "n*gger". He helped the movement that allowed whites and blacks to live harmoniously in society and allowed black people to have the same rights as white people (making all equal). If Mr. King was still alive today, he would not be offended by the word "n*gger" because he understood that it is only a word and it only has the power that you give it.

    If a white person calls a black person a "n*gger" and the black person gets defensive angry in a verbal or physical manner, then that black person has given the white person power over him/her. However, if the black person takes no offense or even laughs at the white person, then he/she is taking away the power of that word and any power the white person may be trying to get. It may not be moral for the white person to use such language, but as I once heard:

    "If you aren't strong enough to handle being offended, then you aren't strong enough to handle freedom of speech".

    I believe Mr. King understood this and, although he hoped for a world where all races live in peace amongst themselves, he knew that people would always be conflict between races because it's human nature.

    I also believe that the reason why people like the whole "ghetto" idea is because it represents an oppressed race finding a way to get to the top and be successful in whatever way they define "success" as. Mr. King would support these people who find a way out of the ghetto and would support them in telling their stories of how the managed to do so, but he would not support people who aren't in the ghetto to act like they are or dumb themselves down to be "gangster". He would want the Afro. Americans to be educated and make a positive change in this world. Just to give you an idea, he would strongly support artists like Dead Prez (example - "Propaganda"), but would be sickened by "artists" such as Lil' Jon, who rap provocative songs about s*x (example - "Get Low")

    And finally, I think he would understand the idea behind joining a gang because that is the only way some people can make it out of the ghetto alive. However, he wouldn't support what the gangs do (fighting/killing other gang members, trying to tag and own territory/land that they don't rightfully own). Instead, he would rather the gangs only fight if attacked and actually rise as a group of people to stand up and inform the public of what goes on in the ghettos, in hopes that it will help make a positive change and ultimately rid the need of joining a gang.

  8. I think he'd see it for what it is - a problem of a white-run media dictating to blacks what they must be to fit in and blacks believing them. He'd probably speak out against the whites for propagating this bs and the blacks for eating it up.

  9. This may sound racist, but not all blacks are gang fighters, so learn your facts. I know many african-americans who are deeply respected for their achievements. And I think Martin Luther King Jr. would be both proud and disappointed, maybe a bit disappointed for those in gang fights, but that's not their fault.

  10. oh shut up. thats an absolute generalization and as it very well may be that many black males are turned towards violence and what not, there are plenty of white boys in gangs and black doctors and lawyers. I understand where you're coming from, and on some levels I agree, but this also depends on where you live. This is like saying all people from the south are racist or rednecks or whatever they are supposed to be in the general public eye. I think this is a bit of an uneducated answer, but I won't call you out on it because I know that part of this is true. I would watch what you say though, cuz there are pricks out here who will report you.

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